Frequently Asked Questions and Concerns about Memory Loss
As humans it is normal to have some moments where we forget things. Normally it is when we have other things on our mind or when other priorities are in the forefront of our brains. But sometimes there are moments when our memory lapses can be scary. Often we don’t realize (or remember – excuse the pun) that our memory needs to be checked. Is it Alzheimer’s forming? If so how can we tell? There are some questions to consider to figure out if memory loss is much more than just forgetting something here or there.
Questions to Ponder:
- How often do memory lapses occur?
Memory loss that interferes with daily life and that is quite frequent — should be checked
- Does the memory loss disrupt daily living?
Dr. Hart, a professor of behavioral and brain sciences at the University of Texas, had concluded that if the memory loss is limiting activity that used to be easy for the person — then one’s memory should be checked.
- Are there signs of confusion?
A popular sign of confusion would be to misplace items and find them again in places they do not belong. For example, keys in the refrigerator. This mistake normally stems from the person dealing with memory loss not knowing where the item normally belongs.
- What is being forgotten?
When we are busy it is common to have some memory loss, like forgetting small things such as a name of someone who was just introduced to you. However, to forget people who you have known for a while, repeating information, or repeating questions are all signs that the memory loss is something that may need to be checked.
- Is the memory loss getting worse?
The memory loss should be check by a professional if you feel like it is getting worse over time.
Stay tune. More on memory loss in the coming weeks!
Posted in: Healthcare
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