Donuts and a Balanced Diet
Let’s be real: donuts are not always the healthiest food to eat. However, that does not mean that you can never eat them! Private Home Care really embraces people enjoying what they eat, including the occasional treat, as part of a balanced diet! There are plenty of ways that you can enjoy donuts and STILL maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Here is a healthy version of Kripy Kreme donuts!
There are many recipes for healthier donuts that substitute traditional ingredients like white flour, refined sugar, and oil/lard. Healthier alternatives include using whole wheat flour, maple syrup, and baking the donuts instead of frying them in oil. You can also make them according to your diet – they can be dairy free, gluten free, or even vegan.
There is room in a healthy lifestyle to enjoy traditional donuts as well! Here are some tips:
-Eat donuts as a dessert, not as a breakfast!
-Eat donuts after a healthy, filling meal. That way you can make sure to get proper nutrition and nutrients.
-If you are going to eat donuts, eat GOOD donuts (not just a half stale one from a convenience store!) When you eat an indulgence food, make sure it is of good quality so that you can truly enjoy it!
-When enjoying a delicious donut, it is be best to enjoy it with others. You can cut it up into pieces and share with friends. Sometimes that is the best – when you share a yummy dessert with friends, you enjoy the food AND the company.
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