AAAAA Private Home Health Care


How to Recover from a Food Binge

How to Recover from a Food Binge

We are now living in unprecedented times, and may be more likely to go on a food binge. Maybe you ate almost a whole loaf of chocolate chip and banana bread and feel like a bloated slug.

HOWEVER, not all is lost! Here is what you should do after a food binge.

-Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate with water! It helps flush out your system and makes you feel better and less sluggish.

-Go for a walk! Going for a walk right after you’ve overeaten can help you clear your mind and will make your body feel better, too. Walking has been shown to help accelerate stomach emptying, which may relieve uncomfortable feelings of fullness or bloating caused by overeating. It can also help burn some of the extra calories that you might have consumed during a binge

-Don’t beat yourself up! Going on a food binge happens to everyone at some point, and it is understandable when we are living in different times and people may be stressed.

-Take vitamins! Your body may need extra nutrients to process the extra food, and it is likely that the food you ate was not fully nutritionally sound. Taking a supplement like JuicePlus after a binge can really help!

-Eat a healthy breakfast! While it may be tempting to skimp on breakfast or lunch the day after overeating, starting your day with a healthy meal can actually help you get back on track. Not only does it allow you to start fresh after getting a good night’s sleep, but it can also help you get right back into your routine, stabilize blood sugar, and make healthier choices throughout the day.

-Fill up on veggies! Loading up on veggies post-binge is another effective strategy to help prevent overeating.
Vegetables are high in fiber, which moves slowly through the gastrointestinal tract undigested, helping promote feelings of fullness

Lastly, the best way to deal with a food binge is to prevent it before it starts. Make sure to eat regular, healthy meals and stay hydrated. People are much more likely to overeat when they are overly hungry or confuse thirst with hunger.

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Whoops – Food Binge

Whoops – Food Binge

How to Recover from a Food Binge

Life has certainly been different for the past few months. You may be more likely to go on a food binge – whoops.

Confession – last night a member of Private Home Care’s staff had the good intention of using up old bananas and made chocolate chip banana bread. It did not end well and they ended up eating most of the rich banana bread. But all is not lost, this has happened to all of us at some point!

How do we recover from a food binge? Let’s take a look at what is going on in your body and how your body is feeling.

First there is a dopamine rush because eating makes you feel great! As you overindulge, the liver gets overwhelmed and literally takes all of the sugar and turns it into fat. That’s because the liver has so much sugar in it with no room to go so chemically it feels like it’s going to burst. All of the food you just ate, including high amounts of salt and sugar, goes to the intestines, and makes you bloated. Your pancreas gets overworked, it is trying to make a lot of hormones and keep up with all of the sugar you ate, which makes you irritable. Going on a food binge makes you bloated and go into a ‘food coma’ low energy state because your body is working so hard to process all of the food you just had.

Your stomach can stretch, you can mess up your circadian rhythm (because binging makes you tired and want to take a nap!), you can get heartburn, have digestive issues, gain weight, and feel depressed.

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Veggie Burgers

“When we came up with the veggie burger idea, we didn’t want to pigeonhole it just to vegetarians or vegans, but to make it a darn good burger” – Zagat video (yes, THAT zagat for restaurant ratings)

As we maintain in Private Home Care – the best diet is one that is balanced and works with YOU, and your tastes and preferences. If you are trying to get healthier, the best way to make lasting change is to take small steps. Are you or is there someone in your family who cannot imagine a barbecue with veggie burgers? That’s ok – you can have the best of both worlds! Put steak tips AND veggie burgers on the grill. Have a steak tip or two AND a veggie burger on your plate!

There are so, so many types of veggie burgers (store bought and homemade) that you are bound to find one that you love. Another great thing about veggie burgers is that they are typically quicker and easier to prepare than meat burgers. Keep store bought or homemade veggie burgers in the freezer to heat up quickly on a stovetop, microwave or grill. You don’t have to bother to let it defrost, so its perfect meal after a long day!

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National Veggie Burger Day!

National Veggie Burger Day!

It’s National Veggie Burger Day!

A veggie burger is a burger patty that does not contain meat. These burgers may be made from ingredients like beans, especially soybeans and tofu, nuts, grains, seeds or fungi such as mushrooms or mycoprotein, wheat protein, and more!

Lately, plant based eating has been in the spotlight! Veggie burgers are a very popular plant based alternative to meat. Even the biggest fast food restaurants are starting to embrace plant based veggie burgers!

Veggie burgers boast many health benefits!

-Since they are plant based, they are higher in fiber and provide a wide variety of vitamins and minerals.

-Veggie burgers can help to prevent disease. How? It reduces risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other issues related to poor nutrition. For instance, soy (which is usually an ingredient in veggie burgers) is known to contain phytochemicals that help lower your body’s LDL cholesterol, also known as the “bad” cholesterol. This cholesterol can clog arteries and block blood flow, causing heart disease or a heart attack. The soy in veggie burgers can also help you avoid osteoporosis and other bone diseases, by helping your bones retain calcium.

-Fewer preservatives – manufacturers often add preservatives to meat products because meat goes bad more quickly than plants.

-More customization for veggie burgers because they can be made out of a greater variety of ingredients than regular burgers.

-Less calories and lower in fat than meat burgers

-Great source of protein!

-Helps to lose weight – eating foods with high protein combined with high fiber helps you to feel energized and fuller for longer, meaning you are less likely to turn to unhealthy foods or overeat.

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Donuts and a Balanced Diet

Donuts and a Balanced Diet

Let’s be real: donuts are not always the healthiest food to eat. However, that does not mean that you can never eat them! Private Home Care really embraces people enjoying what they eat, including the occasional treat, as part of a balanced diet! There are plenty of ways that you can enjoy donuts and STILL maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Here is a healthy version of Kripy Kreme donuts!

There are many recipes for healthier donuts that substitute traditional ingredients like white flour, refined sugar, and oil/lard. Healthier alternatives include using whole wheat flour, maple syrup, and baking the donuts instead of frying them in oil. You can also make them according to your diet – they can be dairy free, gluten free, or even vegan.

There is room in a healthy lifestyle to enjoy traditional donuts as well! Here are some tips:

-Eat donuts as a dessert, not as a breakfast!

-Eat donuts after a healthy, filling meal. That way you can make sure to get proper nutrition and nutrients.

-If you are going to eat donuts, eat GOOD donuts (not just a half stale one from a convenience store!) When you eat an indulgence food, make sure it is of good quality so that you can truly enjoy it!

-When enjoying a delicious donut, it is be best to enjoy it with others. You can cut it up into pieces and share with friends. Sometimes that is the best – when you share a yummy dessert with friends, you enjoy the food AND the company.

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National Donut Day!

National Donut Day!

Happy National Donut Day!

We are proud to say that donuts are a truly American food!

The earliest origins to the modern doughnuts are generally traced back to the olykoek (“oil(y) cake”) Dutch settlers brought with them to early New York (or New Amsterdam). These doughnuts closely resembled later ones but did not yet have their current ring shape

The two most common types are the round ring donut and donuts with filling, which is filled with fruit preserves, cream, custard, or other sweet fillings. Donuts are also topped with icing, sugar, cinnamon, and plenty of other creative sweet toppings! There are also donut holes, which are delicious little round treats. Contrary to their name, they are not made using the hole punched out of the donut, but rather they are pieces of dough rolled, formed, and cooked!

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Doughnut Worry, Be Happy!

Today is National Doughnut Day! Each year on the first Friday in June, people participate in National Doughnut Day.

The Salvation Army created National Doughnut Day in 1938 to honor the women who served doughnuts to soldiers in World War I. In 1917, the original “Salvation Army Doughnut” was first served by the ladies of the Salvation Army. It was during WWI that the Salvation Army Lassies went to the front lines of Europe. Home-cooked foods, provided by these brave volunteers, were a morale boost to the troops. The doughnuts were often cooked in oil inside the metal helmets of American soldiers. American infantrymen were then commonly called “doughboys.” 

Celebrate the day by enjoying your favorite doughnut. There are many varieties of doughnuts to choose from, too! Whether you prefer glazed or creme-filled, holes, or any number of deliciously made doughnuts, get out there and support your local bakeries.

Some spots are offering free doughnuts or doughnut deals to celebrate (social distancing and safety precautions included). Here’s a list of some shops offering deals for the holiday in the Boston area. Please contact your doughnut shop first to make sure they are participating!

  • Krispy Kreme: Free doughnut
  • Dunkin’: Free doughnut with purchase of a beverage

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National Running Day and the Health Benefits of Aerobic Exercise

Each year on the first Wednesday in June, people across the United States participate in National Running Day.  The day was designated as a way for runners to reaffirm their passion for running and for beginners to make a life-changing commitment to running.

For some, running is a daily routine. The moment the runner awakes, their mission is to complete a set distance. They may have a partner, or they go it alone. Others fit in a run when time allows or at the end of their workday. The marathoner will train on a schedule, and the dedicated runner knows they have to take care of their feet, knees and eat right to maintain their bodies for the road.

Since it improves aerobic fitness, running is a great way to help improve cardiovascular health. Plus, it burns calories and can build strength, among other things. There’s also a long list of psychological benefits runners gain from their sport.

Even a 30-minute run can lift symptoms of depression and improve mood. Spending 30 minutes on a treadmill is enough to life the mood of someone suffering from major depressive disorder. Even participants who moved at a walking pace received the same mood-lifting benefit.

Running can also significantly improve cardiovascular health. We know that aerobic activity is good for the hart, so it’s no surprise that running can improve cardiovascular fitness. In general, the more people run, the healthier their hearts tend to be. But you can get bug benefits without having to do a lot: running just five minutes per day could add years ti your life.

Overall, running and other forms of aerobic exercise significantly reduce your chances of death. Getting 30 minutes or more of aerobic exercise on a regular basis makes people significantly less likely to die from any cause. Getting and hour or more of movement is even better. People who meet these exercise guidelines are significantly less likely to develop a number of forms of cancer.

For many people, the easiest way to get all these benefits of exercise is to get out and start running. Whatever the distance, the celebration of National Running Day is about placing one foot in front of the other and setting a pace.

Whether you run a few miles or just around the block, by yourself or with a friend or three, this is a perfect day to go for a run! Pace yourself and share your celebration with us using #NationalRunningDay to post on social media.

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Why Choose Organic and Free Range Eggs

Why Choose Organic and Free Range Eggs

We love eggs, but keep in mind that not all eggs are created equal! Organic, free range, and certified humane eggs are actually better and healthier for you than conventional eggs.

Yes, they tend to be a little more expensive, but when you compare gram for gram the amount of protein in eggs to other sources like chicken or nuts, eggs are by far cheaper.

Easy way to tell the difference between conventional and more natural eggs: the color of the yolk! The deeper the yellow color, the higher concentration of omega-3 and other nutrients! Natural eggs in general have higher levels of nutrients, including important Vitamin D!

Why organic eggs: When you eat organic eggs, you know the hens’ feed did not contain animal byproducts, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, most pesticides, and other unsavory ingredients. Organic eggs do not have these yucky chemicals, so they are much better for your body! Do you want any of those in your eggs, which in turn goes into your body? Yuck, no thank you!

Why free range eggs: This means that the hens producing the eggs were raised outdoors or given outdoor access. In addition to eating grains, these hens may forage for wild plants and insects. Chickens are animals and by nature are supposed to be outdoors. When they are outdoors and living their best chicken life, they are much less stressed, so they have lower levels of cortisol. As we know, high levels of cortisol is no good for the body, and the same goes for chickens! That means that when the chickens are happier, then they are healthier, so the eggs are healthier for us to consume!

With so many different kinds of eggs offered at the store, it can be confusing. How do you know you are buying the best, healthiest eggs? Look for these labels:

Animal welfare approved (AWA): If you want your eggs to come from happy chickens, this is considered the gold standard. AWA deals only with family farms and has the strictest criteria for hens’ ability to live in their natural state. Farmers focus on promoting hens’ health and well-being rather than on treating diseases. Because this label combines organic feeding with humane living conditions and handling, you’ve covered all your bases.

Certified humane: If you can’t find AWA eggs where you live, look for eggs certified by Humane Farm Animal Care. This nonprofit organization inspects egg farms yearly to ensure that hens live unconfined, with enough room to nest, perch, take dust baths, etc. Hens have unlimited access to fresh water and wholesome feed, and benefit from humane handling.

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More Nutrition Facts About Eggs! (Yes, they really are that good for you!)

More Nutrition Facts About Eggs! (Yes, they really are that good for you!)

MORE nutrition facts about eggs – the nutrition powerhouse food!

Eggs can be eaten hot or cold, at a meal or on the go. They are inexpensive and can be cooked to tailor anyone’s taste!

Scrambled eggs are easy to eat and good for people who may have trouble with chewing or swallowing.

-Eggs contain Lutein and Zeaxanthin — Antioxidants (our favorite word!) that have major benefits for eye health.

– Eggs have naturally occurring omega-3 or pastured eggs lower triglycerides.

-High in quality protein, with all the essential amino acids in the right ratios

-Eggs do not raise your risk of heart disease and may reduce the risk of stroke

-Are filling and tend to make you eat fewer calories, helping you lose weight!

-Perfect to eat after a workout, when sometimes you do not feel hungry but need to eat something nutritious! Also a good option for a midnight snack (instead of junkfood!)

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