AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Breast Cancer Awareness

Hello everyone, as some of you may know, it’s “Breast Cancer Awareness” month and I’d thought we’d talk about some of things that we could do to avoid breast cancer.

First off, let’s talk about exercise. It’s no secret that exercising every day is good for us. According to research, woman who walk an hour a day decrease their chances by 14% of getting breast cancer and those who work out “vigorously” decreae their chances by 25%. Not huge differences, but every little bit will help.

Now lets focus on what we put in our bodies. The most important foods for reducing breast cancer are broccoli and cauliflower. Those vegetables help eliminate carcinogens, which damages your cells. Drinking coffee is another good way to reduce your chances of breast cancer as well as good fiber and sea vegetables, such as brown or red seaweed that’s been known to inhibit cancer cells.

Those are just the easiest ways to take steps in preventing breast cancer without completely changing the way we live.

For more information, view this article from the New York Daily News:

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Safe Return Program

Tips to reduce wandering:

1. Place deadbolts either high or low on exterior doors.

2. Move around and exercise to reduce anxiety, agitation and restlessness.

3. Ensure all basic needs are met (toileting, nutrition, thirst).

4, Carry out daily activities, such as folding laundry or preparing dinner.

5. Reassure the person if he or she feels lost, abandoned or disoriented.

6. Control access to car keys (a person with dementia may not just wander by foot).

7. Avoid busy places that are confusing and can cause disorientation, such as shopping malls.

8. Do not leave someone with dementia unsupervised in new surroundings.

More than 60% of those with dementia will wander.

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Benefits of Omega-3

Omega-3 is a fatty acid commonly found in fish and fish oil supplements. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to the development and function of the brain. Healthy fats like omega-3 are an important part of maintaining brain cell structure feeding into the myelin sheath around the brain. Along with helping in the prevention of Alzheimer’s, omega-3 has also shown to lower mental decline as well as lower the chances of dementia and stroke risks. With Alzheimer’s awareness month in November, it’s important to be thinking about ways to keep your brain healthy.

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Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Please join us for an evening of appetizers, cocktails, and prizes to celebrate the opening of our new office in Burlington. The ceremony will take place on Wednesday, September 25 from 5:30pm-7:00pm. Our new office can be located at 83 Cambridge Street, suite 3A in Burlington, MA.

Please RSVP by calling 885-226-8696

Also don’t forget that the Alzheimer’s Disease Support Group meeting, held the first Thursday of every month. The next meeting will be held on October 3, from 1-2:30 pm at the Lexington Senior Center, located at 1475 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, Ma.

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Keeping our mind sharp, with games!

Just like we need to exercise to keep our muscles strong, our brain needs exercise to stay in shape. Thankfully you don’t have to go to your local gym for these workouts. Along with a healthy diet, “brain games” are a great way to keep you brain strong and ward off some of the risks that can lead to Alzheimer’s. Brain exercises or “brain games” can be broken down into 4 categories.

The first category being, memory & recall. Playing card games such as solitare, bridge, and even blackjack, can help with stimulate memory. Chess is another great game that helps boost short-term memory. Chess requires the player to constantly devise new strategies, this helps stimulate the players short term memory. Even a simple crossword puzzle or word jumbles are a great way to boost your ability to memorize and recall.

The second category is, attention & focus. Reading is a great way to relax at the end of the day, but it also helps your brain stay attentive and focused. If reading isn’t your thing you can also play memory games. These type of games force the brain to pay close attention to details. Not only do memory games help with attention span, but also with memory because these two are strognly linked.

The third categoty is cognition and problem solving. Playing games that involve numbers help the brain with problem solving.

Finally, the fourth category is, speed & reaction time. Surprisingly a great way to improve brain speed and reaction time is by playing video games. These games require the brain to be alert and ready for what may come next.

Keeping a sharp mind is a great step in preventing Alzheimers. You can use these fun games to exercise your mind or you can come up with your own, just like your muscles our brain stays strong the more we work it out.

For more information on this subject take a look at this article by Michael A. Smith, MD


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The Importance of Sunblock

Happy July 4th! With summer now in full swing, it is important to remember our sunscreen.The FDA and other sources suggest that people use sun block with at least 15 SPF. Usually the UVB and UVA symbol is clearly marked on the bottle. UVB and UVA are types of rays the sun gives off that can be very strong. If you see these labels on your bottle, you are being safe about the sun. So head out and enjoy the weather, just don’t forget about the sun block! For more information go to,

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May Gift Baskets – Burlington Public Library

Burlington Public Library is hosting their annual May Baskets Raffle 2013. Private Home Care donated a beautiful Home Health Basics basket. The basket has a $50 home health gift certificate, organic body lotions, grooming tools, informational brochure on brain health, and chocolate. Raffle tickets can be purchased for $5. Winners will be drawn May 30th at 7 pm. Tickets can be purchased at the Burlington Library and to view all the gift baskets online go to:

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Learn Nutritional Benefits to Prevent Alzheimer’s

Come listen to Mary Demakes, RN speak about foods that feed your brain and why nutrition makes a difference.  Mary has been a recipient of the Mayo Clinic Certificate for medical research and education.  She has also participated as an American Heart Association instructor on Cardiovascular Health and the Harvard School of Public Health in Nurse’s study I and II (20 years).  Mary is the past Co-chair of the North Shore Alzheimer’s Partnership.


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Mary Demakes with Dr. Paul Raia on WBZ 1030 AM

Mary with Dr. Paul Raia, will speak on WBZ 1030 am from 10p – 12a on 11.26.12.  They’ll address Alzheimer’s, treatments, etc.   WBZ 1030 am –

Dr. Paul Raia, has been directing patient care and family support at the Alzheimer’s Association for the past 22 years and now serves as vice president of clinical programs at the MA/NH Chapter.

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