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National Vitamin C Day

Today is National Vitamin C day.  The vitamin that is the fighter of colds and the friend of healthy skin.

Spring can be a time for colds.  If you feel one starting to take hold, you can load up on foods high in Vitamin C to help ward it off.  

Oranges are good but there are foods with higher amounts of Vitamin C that you can easily find.  Food like red bell peppers, guava, papaya and chili pepper.  

Rosehip is an herbal medication high in Vitamin C that can help treat osteoarthritis.  If you suffer from gout, try adding Vitamin C to your diet for some relief.

Your skin could benefit from Vitamin C too.  Harvard Health has conducted studies using Vitamin C in a topical form.  The studies indicate help with sun damage (when used with a sunscreen).  The vitamin can also help improve dark spots and acne, and with some wrinkles.  Your dermatologist should guide you on what is the best product for you.

Private Home Health Care hopes you can add Vitamin C to your diet and and look for more good information on social media using #vitaminCday.

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April Fools’ Day

Private Home Health Care would like to know how your day has been going on this first day of April?  Have you had any pranks done to you?  Have you pulled any pranks on anyone else?  

April 1 can be such a fun and silly day in so many different cultures.  While no one seems to know for sure how the pranks started according to the History Channel there are some guesses.

One theory is the change from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar.  Both the Hindu and Julian calendars had April 1 as the beginning of the Equinox.  The change had the year beginning on January 1.  Some people took a long time to understand this so they were called April fools.  The prank was to attach a paper fish to the back of those gullible people.

In the northern hemisphere, the vernal equinox is tied to the first day of Spring.  The” joke” is the unpredictable weather that those inhabitants have been known to experience.

In Scotland in the 1700’s, there were two days of April foolery.  The first day was a day to send people on make believe errands.  This was called “hunting the gowk” (a cuckoo bird which symbolizes a fool).  The second day was Tailie Day.  This was a day to pin fake tails or “kick me” signs on the backs of people. 

Whatever the origin, Private Home Health Care wishes you some fun and laughter on this first day of April in 2022!

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National Doctor’s Day

Where would we be without the doctors in our lives?  Each year on March 30 it is National Doctor’s Day.  A day to say thank you and show appreciation for the doctors who care for us.

The National day was first celebrated in 1933 and then on February 21, 1991, President George W. Bush proclaimed this day as an official day to honor the Nation’s physicians.

Healthcare is so important for each of us. We count on our doctor to be up-to-date on the latest health news and illnesses.  When we don’t feel well we look to our doctor to help.  

As of 2021 there are a little over a million doctors in the United States.  That number includes primary care physicians as well as specialists.  The role of a specialist has become ever more important in today’s healthcare.

Private Home Health Care appreciates the role of doctors in our lives especially as we age.  If you have a connection with a doctor, today is a day to acknowledge it by saying thank you in a letter, with a phone call or on social media using #NationalDoctorsDay.

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Tomorrow is World Piano Day which occurs yearly on the 88th day of the year.  Interesting fact:  this day of the year matches the number of keys on a piano.  The goal is to showcase the joy of playing the piano and highlight the celebration of music.

Music makes Private Home Health Care think about music therapy and the great benefits it has both physical and mental.  Music therapy is very popular and often offered in assisted living facilities and living spaces for the elderly.

Physically, music therapy gets us involved in playing simple instruments, singing or dancing.  This promotes physical activity and can help heart and cardiovascular health, muscle strength and bone density.  Balance, coordination and flexibility, distraction from pain and lifting spirits are other benefits.  All important to us as we age.

Mentally, music can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression.  The elderly can feel isolated so group music therapy can bring people together and help communication.  For those afflicted with dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s music can help them access happy memories.  For patients who have trouble communicating, music can give them a way to express themselves with their caregivers.

Private Home Health Care loves music and hopes tomorrow everyone can enjoy the type of music they love and extend it all through the year!

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World Tuberculosis Day

March 24 is World Tuberculosis Day.  This day was created by the World Health Organization (WHO) to raise awareness.  

According to the WHO there are large populations of the world that make up 86% of new cases.  These include India, China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh and South Africa.  Funding is needed to test in these countries and lower the cases.

Tuberculosis is curable thanks in part to Dr. Robert Koch who on March 24, 1882 discovered the bacterium that causes it.  The first person was vaccinated in 1921.  In the United States we had only a little over 7,000 cases in 2020 and while the count is low we should not get complacent with testing.  Talk to your healthcare provider about testing and if you are at high risk and need a vaccine.

Private Home Health Care knows that tuberculosis can be latent and never become a factor.  We also know that it is important that we in the healthcare field stay vigilant and aware.

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National Healthy Fats Day

Has anyone ever said the words, “all in moderation” to you?   It might have been a parent, a doctor or a nutritionist but most of us have heard those words in a sentence at some point.

I ask because when it comes to the word “fats” in food it gets right to the point.  Today is the day where we look to the “good” fats that are helpful to our bodies, especially when used in moderation.

Fat in foods usually has a bad connotation but healthy fats are critical to a person’s well being.  Healthy fats help with keeping a healthy brain, it helps with cell membranes and hormone production.  They also help you absorb nutrients like vitamins like A, D, E and K.  Healthy fats can also help you feel full longer. All good things!

What are healthy fats you ask?  

Olive oil and avocado oil are a great substitute for butter.  Speaking of avocados, add these into your diet.  Try having avocado with a poached egg or in a sandwich.  They are a great source for healthy fat.

Nuts are another good source.  Nuts like almonds, pistachios, walnuts, cashews and pecans.  Do you like cheese?  The good news is that mozzarella, blue cheese, feta and cottage cheese are among the top five cheeses for healthy fats.  If you are looking for something sweet, small amounts of dark chocolate can fit the bill.

Private Home Health Care loves healthy fats, and wants you to remember to be certain to eat them in moderation.  Like many things in life, moderation is the key to a happy and healthy life.

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National Certified Nurses Day

Private Home Health Care would like you to take time tomorrow to thank and celebrate a certified nurse in your life.  

Certified nurses, along with registered nurses, dedicate their lives to helping others.  They must balance clinical needs and patient care each and every day.  They are in the front lines to provide high quality health care to the young and old.

A certified nurse and a registered nurse must both complete a four-year bachelor degree.  A certified nurse receives additional training to specialize in certain areas.  They have specialties and subspecialties.  Certified nurses get certificates in areas like Ambulatory Care, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Medical-Surgical and Nurse Practitioner for example. Certified nurses must also have continuing education and re-certifications to keep their standing.

Private Home Health Care appreciates all nurses and on March 19 we salute the certified nurses.


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National Peanut Month

One celebration in the month of March is for the National Peanut. Peanut week started in 1941 and grew into Peanut month in 1974. 

 Interestingly peanuts are more like a legume than a nut since they grow in pods under the ground!  This may be why they are full of health benefits.

One ounce or about 28 peanuts has 161 calories, depending on how they are prepared. The carbs in peanuts have a low glycemic index so that helps with blood sugar.  The fats are considered heart healthy because they are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.  Vitamins include niacin, vitamin E, manganese, folate and thiamine, all good nutrients! 

Private Home Health Care is aware of peanut allergies and we want you to be careful.  If allergies are not a problem buy some peanuts and enjoy the tasty treats and the health benefits.  Peanuts can help with blood sugar control and can help support weight loss.  Peanuts may also reduce risk of heart disease and aid in lowering risk of gallstones.  These are not proven 100% but every little bit can help.

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Brain Awareness Week

This week begins the global initiative of Brain Awareness Week.  The goal is to nurture public interest and support for brain science.

Your brain is the most complicated organ in your body.  We’ve made progress understanding the brain’s functions but with 100 billion neurons in each brain there is still much to discover.

Private Home Health Care understands the aging process of our brains.  Cognitive abilities change.  It can be harder to learn new information.  Recalling names can be tricky.  In a noisy environment it can be hard to focus on a conversation.  Changes can vary for each of us.

Private Home Health Care reviewed a study by Harvard with recommendations of how to help your brain as you age. Sharing key highlights below.

Keep learning – get a hobby, learn a new skill, volunteer or mentor

Use all your senses – be aware of your senses in new situations

Believe in yourself – don’t buy into negativity around aging

Prioritize your brain use – leave notes, use calendars, planners and address books to remember important things.  Have one spot for things you use a lot (keys, glasses, wallet, purse)

Repeat what you know – repeat or write down something you just learned

Space it out – Don’t try learning all at once.  Learn it over time, an hour, a day, a week.

Here is the website if you want more details:

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Time to Change the Clocks

Private Home Health Care wants to remind you that this is the weekend to spring forward with your clocks!

When you wake up on Sunday morning, 7AM will be 8AM!  We don’t want you to miss out on any of your Sunday activities!  

You’ll be able to enjoy extended daylight once again. Oftentimes the Daylight Savings Time change in the Fall can be difficult.  We end up having less daylight in the evening and that can be hard, especially for people with depression.  We are hoping that the added daylight will help lighten the spirit.

Here’s a quick history of Daylight Savings Time (DST).  A proposal for the DST version we have now came from George Vernon Hudson in 1895.  He hailed from New Zealand.  Next the countries of Germany and Austria-Hungary used it in April of 1916.  In the 1970’s the energy crisis got the ball rolling in many areas of the world, including the United States.

Leave yourself a note!  The change may take a bit of adjustment for your body but give it a few days and look forward to the coming of Spring!


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