AAAAA Private Home Health Care



The defines patience as the following:

  1. The bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain without complaint, loss of temper or anger.
  2. An ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay.
  3. Quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence

Patience is an important, but not always easily attained, trait for all of us for different reasons during the stages of our life.  It can change with time.

When we are young, we need to learn patience.  Patience to share a toy, patience to wait in line, patience to save for that special item.  Children can find this very difficult at times.

As teenagers, there are times that we hope that those around us will have patience with our moods and teenage needs.  We might not see it this way at the time.

In our adult years patience can shift between patience with ourselves and patience toward others. 

If you are starting a new job it could be that you need to be patient with yourself as you learn new tasks.  If you are aging, you could find it difficult to handle the same activities you did when you were younger.  This also requires you to be patient with yourself.  This can be challenging as this can bring feelings of anger or restlessness.

Older adults can require a lot of help and a lot of patience especially if they are declining in health.  Dementia can be a difficult disease as it requires quiet and steady perseverance when dealing with the afflicted person.  

Private Home Health Care believes that patience is key as we age.  We need to help a person understand that they need to be patient with themselves.  We also need to work to provide  calm, and patient care to those people we serve.

Two quotes to think about:

“Patience is a conquering virtue.”  Geoffrey Chaucer

“He that can have patience can have what he will.”  Benjamin Franklin

Posted in: Healthcare

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