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It’s a Leap Year!

Tomorrow is February 29 and a Leap year.  This special day comes around every four years.  

What is the scientific reason for a leap year?  It turns out it actually takes 365.25 days for the Earth to orbit the sun.  Did you notice that at all?  In order to make up that “extra” time we add an extra day in February to our calendars.

Can you imagine what would happen if we didn’t add that extra day?  Chaos in our lives, farming, schools, seasons at different times.

We are wondering about those people born on a leap year?  How many are there and how do they celebrate their birthdays?

If you were born on February 29, you would be 1 in 1,461 born on that day and you would only share a birthday with 5 million other people.

We’ve heard that when you get old enough you can choose your own birthday.  You might choose February 28 or March 1.  Perhaps you’d decide to celebrate at some other point in February.  It is totally up to you.

You are called a leaper or leapling if you are born on February 29.  You might even be able to cheat on your age since technically you only have a birthday every four years.

Finally, some famous people are leaplings. Tony Perkins, Antonio Sabato, Jr. Ja Rule all have birthdays on February 29.  Even Superman has a leap year birthday.  Pretty cool.

Private Home Health Care hopes that everyone with a birthday tomorrow has a fantastic celebration.  With a birthday only every four years you deserve one.

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National Letter to an Elder Day

Yes, today is National Letter to an Elder Day.  We believe we may hear you saying, “who sits down and writes a letter anymore?”  We suggest that today it could be you!

Think about an elderly friend or relative in your life. Do they live alone?  Do they usually get letters or is it junk mail?

For those family and friends who may be lonely or looking for something important in their mail, you could be the one who surprises them and adds joy to their day.  

You don’t have to have fancy paper, just something to write on, a pen, an envelope and a stamp.  Just a few small things to brighten someone’s day.  

Is the next stumbling block, what do I write?  We suggest writing about what’s happening in your life.  For someone on the receiving end that’s interesting to them.  It can take them out of themselves and get them some relief from chronic pain.

You could inquire about what’s going on in their life.  What about writing down a joke or a favorite saying of yours.  There is no limit to what you can write that would make someone happy.

If you have a group of friends you could invite them over for a letter writing event.  The more letter writers the better.  You could send them to your local nursing homes if you don’t have an elder in your life. 

Additionally, there is a site you can go to if you want to join a letter-writing campaign.  It’s

Private Home Health Care knows that it may sound old fashioned but the happiness an elder feels from receiving a letter makes it the perfect gift.  We hope you can join in this today or at some point in your week.


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Healthy Snacks

The month of February is National Snack Food month.  It’s a great opportunity to look at the snacks you eat and compare them to recommended healthy snacks.

The grocery store is full of snack food.  You’ll see items labeled organic or a healthy choice.  You really need to check labels but also head into a store with items in mind too. 

One way for you to make healthy choices is to think about fresh foods.  Fruits and vegetables are a great way to get nutrients. Pair them with peanut butter, hummus or tzatziki for variety.

The bigger the variety of fruits the more varied healthy vitamins and minerals you’ll add to your diet.

You’ll hear a lot of discussions about having too many carbohydrates.  While you do need to be careful, the types of carbs can change the equation. Fruits, whole grains and beans have carbohydrates but their nutrients compensate for that.

Do you like yogurt?  Try having yogurt with a bit of honey or stevia with some fruit for a delicious protein packed snack.  Add some granola if you like a crunch.

Cucumbers have the benefit of being low calorie and are delicious on their own or paired with hummus.  Peppers and hummus are a great duo too.

Eating nuts like almonds is a great way to have a healthy and filling snack.  For those with pre-diabetes adding some almonds after you’ve eaten fruit is a great way to balance your sugar.

Eggs are a good source of protein. You can boil an egg and pack that for a quick and yummy snack.  

Additionally, protein shakes or fruit smoothies are easy to make and are good if you are on the go.  Be careful of a high sugar in your protein if you are watching your sugar intake.

Private Home Health Care loves fruits and vegetables and we love pairing them with hummus and peanut butter.  

We also know that there are times we all need to splurge on our food.  If we can have a diet of healthy snacks with occasional “treats” we can stay on the road to be our healthiest selves. 


Photo by Jane Doan

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Heart Trivia

How many facts do you know about your heart aside from it being the most important organ in your body?

Your heart is the size of your fist and has a right and a left side.

  • The right side pumps the blood to your lungs.
  • The left side gets the blood from your lungs and pumps it all through your body.

Each side of your heart has two chambers, top and bottom.

  • The top chambers are called atria.
  • The bottom chambers are called ventricles.

Your blood goes in a cycle.  When it returns it goes through the atria. Blood travels out through the ventricles.

Do you know what separates the two chambers of the heart?  It is called the septum.

  • The septum is a very thick wall of muscle.

There are four valves in your heart that manage your blood flow. 

  • The mitral and tricuspid valves flow blood from the atria (top chamber) to the ventricles (bottom chamber.)
  • The aortic and pulmonary valves are in charge of controlling the flow of your blood.

Before each heart beat, blood fills your heart.  As it contracts it pushes the blood out.

  • Your heart beat is fast as a baby and young child and slows to an average as you age.
  • An adult heart when resting beats on average of 60-100 beats per minute (bpm)
  • If you are a well-trained athlete your heart beat can be 40-60 bpm – wow!

Your body needs paths to flow the blood.  These paths are called your arteries and your veins.

  • The arteries carry your blood away from your heart.
  • The veins carry back to your heart.

Private Home Health Care hopes you’ve enjoyed these facts about your heart.  We do a lot of exercise to keep our hearts healthy.  We hope you can too.

Photo by Engin Akyurt

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The Deliciously Healthy Grapefruit

Grapefruit is a citrus fruit packed with a powerful healthy punch! 

Eating a grapefruit fills your body with nutrients, antioxidants and fiber.  It’s one of the best citrus fruits to eat.

You may have heard about people on grapefruit diets.  My grandmother was on it quite often.  That’s because grapefruits are very low in calories.

A grapefruit contains Vitamins A and C, potassium, thiamine, folate and magnesium. Additionally, you will get powerful plant based antioxidants for an extra boost.

Your immune system may benefit from adding grapefruit to your diet. High Vitamin C can protect you from viruses.  Some studies show it will shorten your cold as well.

If you regularly eat grapefruit it can help your cells by keeping them responding to insulin.  This keeps diabetes away.  As any fruit, it helps balance your blood sugar.

While it’s not proven, grapefruit may protect your heart by regulating your blood pressure and helping control your cholesterol.

Additionally, grapefruit is full of water so it can keep you hydrated and may help prevent kidney stones.

You do need to be careful though because grapefruits can interact with some medications. 

If you are on medicines you need to check with your pharmacist or medical professionals to be sure there are no negative interactions.

Private Home Health Care loves grapefruit.  Sometimes it can be tart so we add some natural sweetener like Stevia to enjoy it.

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Happy Valentine’s Day

Private Home Health Care would like to wish everyone a very Happy Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love.  You may be married, single widowed or divorced but for each this is a day to spread love with your partner, your family or your friends.

The holiday has been celebrated on February 14 for many years, but how exactly did the day come to be about love and why on February 14?

There are no definitive answers when you look at early history.  The holiday has roots in both Christian and Roman traditions.  

The Romans had a  pagan celebration called Lupercalia.  Lupercalia was a festival of fertility celebrated in the middle of February (15).  As Christianity became stronger this festival was pushed away..

Pope Gelasius at the end of the 5th century declared February 14 as St. Valentine’s day.  This was an effort to spread Christianity over pagan traditions.   This was not however when it focused on a day of love.  

The first quoted recognition of Valentine’s Day related to romance and love was from Geoffrey Chaucer.  You can read his poem called “Parliament of Foules” to see the association. 

Jump to the 17th century and the United States when Valentine’s Day became popular to celebrate.  You would give a small token of affection or a handwritten note.  By the 1900’s printed cards were available.

Today you’ll see expressions of  love with flowers, candy and cards.  Children love sharing valentine cards with each other.  

We hope that on this day we all find a way to share the love of the day in some way.  A compliment or a kind action or word is a great way to help your heart health too.


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Fruit and Your Heart

February is the month of the heart.  Private Home Health Care would like to talk with you about fruit and the cardiovascular benefits of eating fruit.

The New England Journal of Medicine noted a study that showed that among more than 500,000 people up to age 79 who ate fresh fruit every day had a thirty percent lower risk of dying from a heart attack.  

This study was compared to those people who rarely ate or never ate fruit.

Fruits are good for you but different fruits have different health benefits so choose what is best for you.

Berries – blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, along with acai and goji berries. You get antioxidants from berries to help fight free radicals that can cause inflammation.  Berries also supply you with vitamins A, C and E.

Cherries – these also have antioxidants but in addition you’ll get calcium and potassium as well as vitamins.

Oranges – Vitamin C boosts your immune system along with folate, potassium and choline (may help with memory).  Oranges are also high in zeaxanthin, an antioxidant which may help ward off macular degeneration.

Papaya – many of the same benefits as oranges but additionally they are rich in beta-carotene and lycopene which may help balance HDL and LDL cholesterol levels.

Kiwis – are rich in Vitamin K and have a higher amount of Vitamin C than oranges. Your digestive system benefits from this fruit as well. 

Grapes – you’ll get antioxidants from grapes along with resveratrol and quercetin which may help relax your arteries.

Apples – An apple a day keeps the doctor away perhaps because of the fiber which is linked to lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.  Be sure to eat the skin to get full benefits.

Bananas – you can load up on potassium and fiber with a banana.

Your recommended fruit intake is to have 1-2 cups of fruit each day.  There are many fruits to help you and your heart!  

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Chinese New Year

Each year the Chinese celebrate a new year according to the lunar calendar.  This year it begins tomorrow on February 10.  The holiday lasts for twenty-three days so this year it ends on February 24.

You will find that an animal is associated with each Chinese New Year.  They go in a certain order and repeat every twelve years.  This year is the year of the dragon.

For your Buddhist friends, the religion believes that Buddha invited many animals to come to honor him but alas, only twelve appeared so only they are listed for individual years. 

If you live near Boston there are many celebrations planned for this year’s celebrations.  This may be because the current mayor is Chinese, Michelle Wu as well as the large population of Chinese in Boston.  It is listed as 1 in 10 Bostonians are Chinese.

Some of the events for you to enjoy are in Boston and its surrounding communities.

Tomorrow, February 10 there are at MIT’s Leap Lab and additionally at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem.

On February 13 there is a Chinese New Year Concert at the Berklee School of Music.  Tickets are $12 in advance and $17 at the door.

You can go to the Museum of Fine Arts on February 15 and pay a special rate of $5.00.  You’ll enjoy brush painting, martial arts demonstrations and Vietnamese dancing.

Finally on February 18 you can head to Chinatown in Boston to enjoy the traditional Chinese New Year Dance Parade.  This is free to the public. It’s from 11:00-2:00 on Tyler Street. 

You have many ways to enjoy and participate in this Chinese cultural event.  One good thing to know is that each animal represents different qualities in Chinese culture.

The dragon has represented good luck, justice, prosperity and strength.  If you are born in the year of the dragon it is thought that you are charismatic, intelligent, confident, powerful, naturally lucky and gifted. 

Private Home Health Care enjoys learning about different cultures.  There seem to be many opportunities to learn about and enjoy Chinese New Year this year. 


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Blood Pressure and Why Is It Important?

February is National Heart Month and your blood pressure plays a large role in heart health.

Every second of every day your heart flows blood throughout your body.  Your blood pressure is responsible for the force that sends that blood on its way.  The blood flows to your arteries and your tissues and cells.

For this reason your blood pressure is very important to your overall health.  High blood pressure raises many risk factors. 

According to the American Heart Association there are five levels in blood pressure readings.

  • Normal readings are less than 120/80.
  • Elevated pressure is 120-129/80 (or less than 80)
  • Hypertension 1 reads 130-139/80-89
  • Hypertension 2 has consistent blood pressure of 140/90 or higher
  • Hypertensive crisis is the final stage.  Readings are 180/120 or higher.  Immediate medical attention is needed as the high readings could cause organ damage. 

If your readings are normal, keep them that way by eating healthy, exercising regularly, not smoking and watching your stress level.

For elevated blood pressure, it’s important to be monitored by a medical professional.  As blood pressure increases so do the possible health issues.

Over time your arteries can become damaged because they can narrow causing less blood to flow through them. This can lead to coronary heart disease.

Additionally, other issues to your heart can include heart failure, an enlarged heart.  High blood pressure can also lead to stroke or diabetes.  Your kidney and eyes are two other areas that can be affected by prolonged elevated blood pressure.

There are many important aspects of heart health and your blood pressure is one key area.  It’s important as you age to have check ins with your doctor to have your blood pressure checked.

Private Home Health Care believes in regular checks on blood pressure for anyone over the age of 50.  Your heart needs attention for your well being, physically and emotionally.


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National Patient Recognition Week

The first week in February focuses on recognizing that patients have needs and health care providers work with patients to help provide for those medical needs.  The emphasis shifts a bit from health care provided to patients.

You may have a chronic illness that takes you to the doctor often.  It could be that you need specialized care or a time spent in the hospital.  It’s important that you are treated with extra care and compassion.

It can be hard for doctors and nurses to improve their care at times.  Doctors can see up to twenty patients a day and in hospitals a nurse can be responsible for eight or ten patients.  

This week focuses on having health care providers look at ways that they can make you feel like you are getting great care.  Perhaps it’s spending a bit more time with you during a visit.  Maybe it’s acting as your advocate. Your smile could be another sign of good care.

There are actually people who act as patient advocates.  At times, you may need help navigating your health care system.  Your advocate can be a good resource and manage that for you.

You could need help with dealing with insurance companies or maybe you need help setting up tests.  An advocate would be helpful.

If you don’t have anyone to go with you an advocate can join you and take notes.  The ways an advocate can help are plentiful.

During this week if you visit a doctor take care and ask any questions you have.  I think your doctors will be trying extra hard to be of help.

Private Home Health Care understands how tricky it can be to navigate our healthcare system at times.  We have acted as advocates for our clients and we value that service.

#National Patient Recognition Week

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