Getting through the Holiday Season
Are you thinking what we are thinking? The holidays are upon us once again. How do we make it through all the preparations and still enjoy them?
Hanukkah begins on December 7 and as everyone surely knows Christmas will be upon us again on December 25.
Both holidays involve traditions, food, presents and church or temple for some. There are also a lot of expectations with both holidays. It is such a busy time for all of us.
How do we keep our sanity and enjoy the festivities and remember the true meaning of the holidays?
Lists – a list of what is needed from food, to drinks, to presents can save our brains.
Pre-Baking – if you have food to be served that can be baked ahead and frozen, do it!
A Budget – spend what you can afford. If you set up a fund for the holiday, try your best to stick to it. You’ll be very happy in January.
Patience – you will need patience shopping, driving anywhere (everyone seems to be in a hurry) and with each other.
Take Care of Yourself – everything costs more this year. If you need to cut back on things, do it and don’t feel guilty. If you need help, ask for it.
The holidays can be a special time with family and friends. For those of you in a senior center or a nursing facility, try and gather with your neighbors. Hopefully friends and family can visit but be sure to remember and share your memories and see if you can make new ones.
We at Private Home Health Care are trying to take one day at a time this season. We hope to spread good holiday cheer and patience to all we meet.
Posted in: Healthcare
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