AAAAA Private Home Health Care


World Teachers Day

World Teachers Day on October 5th honors teachers all over the world and their incredible dedication and contributions to education. Teachers truly make the world go round. Where would we be without our teachers who taught us to read, do math, share on the playground and so much more? Teachers work hard every day to give their all to students. Education is one of the most important things in the world, and on World Teachers Day we celebrate the teachers who make that education possible. 

It takes a special kind of person to be a teacher. Teaching is not just a job. It requires patience, passion not only for teaching and learning, and for helping develop minds. It is certainly not an easy profession, and handling a classroom of children is not a task for the faint hearted. Teachers work long hours outside of the classroom as well as year round. Lately teachers have faced unique challenges, and we salute every single teacher for rising to the occasion in a spectacular way. In the past few months there have been endless heartwarming stories of teachers going above and beyond to reach out to their students despite social distancing. Teachers are truly everyday heroes.  

Even though a teacher’s job is to teach, they wear many hats. They are also counselors, coaches, leaders, and if you are lucky enough later down the road – friends. To some students, they may even be guardian angels due to their true caring for their students. Teachers make a lifelong impression. If you ask any person – child or adult, what was the name of their favorite teacher, everyone will have an answer. 

Even when older adults experience cognitive decline or impairment, many can still recall the name of their favorite childhood teachers and the lasting impression that they had on their life. Perhaps many years ago that teacher inspired a love of reading and a senior enjoyed a career as a writer. Or there was a math teacher that once upon a time encouraged a little boy to one day become a rocket scientist and help launch the first spaceship to the moon. The ripple effect of teachers is astounding.  

World Teachers’ Day was established by the U.N. in 1994 and the holiday’s proclamation states: “Above all, we celebrate the work of dedicated teachers around the world who continue to strive every day to ensure that ‘inclusive and equitable quality education’ and the promotion of ‘lifelong learning opportunities for all’ become a reality in every corner of the globe.”

How to celebrate World Teachers Day:

The best thing you can do is thank a teacher who made a positive impact on your life. Praise your children’s teachers, as well. If you know a teacher, give them a gift card or take them out for lunch. In the case where it may have been may years since you were a student, tracking down your favorite teachers just to connect and say hello will surely help them feel recognized and appreciated. If you’re a student, be sure to thank your teachers for all they do to help you get a good education. Students probably don’t bring their teachers apples anymore, but they probably would accept coffee or chocolate!

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