AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Why Drink Organic Wine?

Why Drink Organic Wine?

Why is it important to drink organic wine?
–> In short, you are what you eat!

This lack of manipulation (meaning no artificial chemicals or pesticides!) in both the field and cellar creates a wine that is arguably more real, and definitely more natural.

Winemakers say that organic wine is most often the best expression of both the grape and also the terroir, the land and environment in which it is grown.

Additionally, the saying goes, you are what you eat (and drink).

There is peace of mind that comes with knowing that no pesticides or additives are going into your wine. But what does that really mean? Are organic wines healthier? The short answer is yes.

In general, organic wine grapes are much healthier! They produce heartier skins and higher concentrations of all of those good for you anthocyanins and antioxidants, including polyphenols and cardio-friendly resveratrol. Also, organic wines are free of residual traces of vineyard additives such as chemical laced pesticides and herbicides.

So drink organic vino, for your health!

Posted in: Healthcare

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