AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Walking On Sunshine

Private Home Health Care is a fan of National Walking Day. Though it may be overlooked, walking is a great form of exercise that has many benefits.

-Walking is the ultimate form of exercise – it is free and easy. Sometimes going for a run may seem daunting, but walking is easier and sometimes just as effective. You can tailor your walks to your liking, from a leisurely stroll to speed walking with weights.

-Decreased risk of injury. How many times have you had to refrain from your favorite sport due to a nagging injury? You are much less likely to be injured from walking, and it is a good activity to do while healing from a sports injury.

-Walking is a social activity. It can be harder to have a conversation while you are huffing and puffing, but walking allows for easy talking.

-As aerobic exercise, walking burns calories and strengthens your heart. It also helps lower blood pressure.

-Great for arthritis – walking is a gentle exercise that helps prevent and treat inflammation, which makes it suitable for arthritis. Walking in a pool is another great option.

Make sure you get outside on this nice sunny day and walk – you’ll be walking in sunshine!

Posted in: Healthcare

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