AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Save Your Life, Don’t Smoke

It is a known fact that smoking is not good for you. It will reduce the proper function of a person’s stamina, endurance, and overall lung function. Most people would say the most common disease by smoking is lung cancer. This is false, it’s heart disease. Which is worse than all forms of cancer combined. In 1965, a federal law was passed that cigarette packs must warn the people “Caution: Cigarette smoking may be hazardous to your health”. This being said, understand that smoking is the number one preventable caused death. The longer a person smokes, the greater the chance that person loses their life. The risk of heart attack drops 50% after 5 years of a smoker refraining from smoking. Within 15 years of not smoking, the person has nearly the same risk of heart disease as a non-smoker. The sooner you quit, the sooner you save your life.


Posted in: Healthcare

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