AAAAA Private Home Health Care


National Let’s Laugh Day

National Let’s Laugh Day

Today is National Let’s Laugh Day! The old saying is true-laughter is the best medicine! There are many health benefits of laughing. It releases feel-good chemicals in your brain such as endorphins that improve your mood. Laughter is also a proven pain reliever, is great for the lungs, and just makes you feel good!

Have you ever had a bad day and then something funny happens that turns it around around? Anyone can tell you that laughter is a great stress reliever. It also helps social bonding, which is a known factor in longevity. Try to laugh at least once a day! At Private Home Health Care, we love laughter and enjoying life! Mary is always cracking jokes and making everyone laugh. We suggest to everyone to make sure to laugh at least once a day for health and happiness!

On National Let’s Laugh Day, do things to make you laugh! Tell a joke, watch a funny movie, or be silly with loved ones. Laugh it up!

Posted in: Healthcare

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