AAAAA Private Home Health Care


National Hangover Day

National Hangover Day

January 1 was National Hangover Day. New Year’s Eve is often a time to seriously party. If you’re like many, there’s a decent chance you’re greeting the new year with one or two (or six) cocktails. Unfortunately, drinking too much can bring some rather unpleasant results. Alcohol can get pretty unfriendly 12 hours after the fact. So, if New Year’s Day turns into National Hangover Day, read on for some tips and tricks to feel better on January 1.

So, all that champagne caught up to you. With some tips to spring back from a hangover, you will be good as new. All of that champagne was worth the fabulous celebration for ringing in NYE!

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Double down on drinking water the day (or even two) before partying. Part of what gives us a hangover is from the dehydrating effect of alcohol. Drinking plenty of water can help mitigate or ease headaches, nausea, and other side effects of partying a little too hard.

Have some hangover relief remedies ready. Your future self will thank you.


Prepare by stocking up on essentials that will help you feel a little more like your true self after a night of partying. Ibuprofen, sports drinks, greasy potato chips, antacids — whatever your preferred hangover remedies are, make sure that you have them on hand.

-Eat before and after

A fat and protein-loaded meal before or during the first round of drinks slows the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream. No, the food doesn’t act as a sponge, soaking up the alcohol, but it does slow down the digestive process. Fats and especially proteins, take longer to digest, and the alcohol will be released more slowly into the bloodstream. When faced with a hangover the day after, eating good food is immensely helpful. Eating a meal with complex carbohydrates, protein, and a little fat can help ease the symptoms of a hangover. Whole wheat toast can absorb some of the acids the stomach is producing. A fried egg can give the stomach something else to do instead of producing acid and also replaces some nutrients the body lost during the party binge.

-Host a hangover brunch

If you’re feeling really ambitious, why not throw a party? After all, the cure to your hangover may just be a really awesome Bloody Mary.

-Drink some…Pedialyte?

Some consider Pedialyte a panacea for hangovers. And for good reason, because this really works. Though Pedialyte wasn’t invented for hangover relief, of course, but it just might help. The drink, marketed for use by children, can replace nutrients and electrolytes your body might need to feel better.

-Eat a banana

Bananas are high in potassium. While consuming alcohol, we lose a lot of this nutrient. Potassium loss contributes to muscle aches and cramps. Eating a banana will help ease these symptoms.

Private Home Health Care hopes these tips will ease your NYE’s hangover. Happy New Year!

Posted in: Healthcare

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