AAAAA Private Home Health Care


National Disability Independence Day

National Disability Independence Day

At Private Home Care, we are proponents for people maintaining their freedom, independence and dignity, regardless of disabilities. We celebrate National Disability Independence Day on July 26th, which recognizes the important work of promoting equal opportunity and quality of life for people with disabilities.National Disability Independence Day commemorates the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on July 26th, 1990.

This corresponds with our mission of supporting seniors to age in place through our expert caregiving. Our caregivers help facilitate every day life and experiences for our clients, ranging from laundry and cooking, to playing chess and going out to the salon or for pizza. As we grow older, our bodies naturally become less able, and our minds may not be as sharp. Although the elderly may have to use walkers or other forms of assistance, we must still regard them as valued members of society, who are entitled to the pursuit of happiness. This is one of our core beliefs at Private Home Care, and guides our motto of ‘Compassion is at the Heart of Our Care’.

Whether the disability is physical or intellectual, if the individual was born with it or developed the disability during their lifetime, all disabled or elderly people deserve to be treated with the same respect as those who are fully abled. We maintain that people with disabilities can live full, meaningful lives, and can achieve their dreams and goals. 

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) also made it possible for the world to be more accessible for people with disabilities. For example, common barriers such as narrow doors and small bathroom stalls became accessible to wheelchairs. Other examples include braille signs and crosswalks for the vision impaired. The changes improved mobility and safety. Today, many of our clients as well as millions of people across the country benefit from laws that help break down barriers and allow them to move about freely. 

One service that we are proud to offer is to assess and help outfit your loved one’s home so that they may live safely and comfortably at home. This includes proper lighting, adequate doorway width, grab bars in showers, ramps, and more. 

Posted in: Healthcare

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