AAAAA Private Home Health Care


National Day of Joy

As we close out the month of June we come to a day that is new to the national day calendar.  It is the National Day of Joy.

You may wonder why a special day for joy and why did this begin?

The day actually was created by a group of caregivers for seniors called the Comfort Keepers just recently, in 2019. The Comfort Keepers realized how important joyful moments are to our elderly population.

Oftentimes joy is defined by wealth and material things.   While both can help with your joy there are many other ways to experience true and lasting joy.

Think about what brings you joy and take time today to experience it.  

Do you have family members that make you happy?  Spend some time with them on the phone or in person.

Does music and singing bring you joy?  Surround yourself with it.

Religion is another road to joy for some people. Take some time today  to pray.

Does smiling and laughter give you a warm feeling?  Spread these when you go out and see the reaction you get from others.

In order to spread joy, you need to feel it.  If you spend time comparing yourself to others that can lead to unhappiness.  Each of us is unique with our own experiences and it’s important to understand and appreciate this.

Henri Nouwen, now deceased, was a Catholic priest and theologian.  He is quoted as saying, “Joy is not something that happens to us.  We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.”

Private Home Health Care believes that each of us is unique and special in our own way and because of this it’s important to add joy to our lives each and every day. 


Posted in: Healthcare

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