AAAAA Private Home Health Care


National Automated Vehicle Day!

National Automated Vehicle Day!

Today is National Automated Vehicle Day!
What was once science fiction from an episode of ‘The Jetsons’ has become reality!

Automated vehicles are still being developed but they are close to being on the road everywhere!

One benefit of automated vehicles is that they drive and navigate without humans having to drive, so they are safer and help to not get lost.

Another great benefit is that it makes driving more accessible to everyone! Older adults may have to stop driving due to decreased eye sight, but with automated vehicles they can continue using a car and maintaining independence!

Elon Musk is the founder of the company Tesla, who pioneered automatic vehicles. On Saturday he successfully launched the Falcon rocketship for SpaceX, which is the first private company to launch for NASA. Space exploration is important because it helps us develop new technologies in engineering, industry, and medicine!

Posted in: Healthcare

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