AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Johnny Appleseed Day

Today’s the day you can appreciate the hero Johnny Appleseed for passing on his love of apples and for spreading apple orchards over the United States back in the 1800’s.

Here’s a bit of history about our friend Johnny.

He was born John Chapman on September 26, 1774 in Leominster, Massachusetts.  His father fought in the American Revolution and his mother died when he was two years old.

Not much is known about his early life.  He does turn up in 1812 working as an orchardist and nursery man.  History has hin in Pennsylvania and Ohio around that time.  He was planting trees and establishing nurseries.  His trees did not produce edible fruit but he was able to make hard cider and applejack (fruit brandy).  

John was a vegetarian and was against cruelty to all living things, including insects!  He died on March 18, 1845 and the legend was born.

After his death he became known as Johnny Appleseed.  He was seen as a pioneer hero because of all the apple seeds he planted and the trees he grew in his orchards.  His legend has him randomly planting seeds and spreading trees over the Northeastern and Midwestern parts of the United States.  

In truth he was very deliberate in his planting and it was for commercial use to produce alcohol but that’s not usually mentioned so we’ll just let it rest here.

The legend of Johnny Appleseed has led us to a love of apples which are a very healthy fruit.  Juicy apples are full of fiber and Vitamin C.  They also provide antioxidants like Vitamin E and polyphenols which help boost digestion.

Private Home Health Care thinks “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is a good adage.  It’s apple season so be sure to enjoy some fresh apples.  With 100+ varieties you have a lot to choose.

Posted in: Healthcare

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