AAAAA Private Home Health Care


International Mind-Body Wellness Day

It’s the beginning of a new year so it makes sense that there would be a day for Mind-Body Wellness Day now.  The idea of mind body wellness has actually been around for thousands of years.

The oldest healing science began in India back in 3000-5000 BC and was called Ayurveda. The movement then moved to the Chinese and then the Greeks before it spread across the world.

Additionally, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, osteotherapy, chiropractic and Reiki are other areas of mind-body healing that have come on the scene over the years.

One area that is a hot topic currently is called mindfulness. You can find the practice of mindfulness in elementary, secondary and higher education. It’s even become popular in Corporate America.

You may have tried mindfulness exercises already or you may wonder what it’s all about.  Mindfulness is meditative moments to try and live in the here and now.  You let go of things from the past and you don’t worry about the future.

Mindfulness is a great way to be kind rather than critical of yourself.  It can help manage emotions and keeps your mind from wandering in different directions at once. 

You don’t need a lot of time.  You can practice mindfulness in 5-10 minutes if that’s all you have.  Longer time works too.  It’s up to you.  

You need to find a quiet place.  Sit and take deep breaths.  Focus on your breaths and quiet your mind.  You can play soothing music if that helps.  

The goal is to sit and pay attention to your feelings and emotions without judging them.  Let your mind go and see where your thoughts lead you.

You may discover something that has been subconsciously on your mind.  How will you deal with it?  Perhaps the session will help prepare to focus on work that needs to be done. The possibilities are endless.

Private Home Health Care hopes you can take some time to practice mindfulness.  It can be a great tool to quiet your mind and place you in a calm place.  You should feel less stressed if everything goes well.  That’s always a very nice place to be.

Posted in: Healthcare

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