AAAAA Private Home Health Care


International Jump Day!

Jump for joy, it is international jump day! Today we talk about jumping!

When we ‘jump for joy’, it means that we are so excited and happy that we literally jump! Try to incorporate more of that happiness in your life and find reasons to jump for joy!

Jumping is also a great exercise! That is why we always see boxers doing it. You can get fit and achieve results from home with a simple jump rope!

Benefits of jumping and jumping rope:

-Burns calories

-Builds up different muscle groups – there are many muscle groups used when jumping!

-Decreases risk of foot and ankle injuries (because muscle groups are strengthened!)

-Increases bone density

-Improves coordination

-It is fun!

-Better balance

-Great for cardiovascular health

-Improves breathing efficiency

-Enhances ability to stay calm – improved ability to jump rope and be synchronous with your body, mind and the rope, can actually help you be more calm in other situations.

So remember to jump for joy and jump for fitness today!Grab a jump rope, get hopping and be amazed by the different ways your body and mind will benefit.

Posted in: Healthcare

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