AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Ice Cream For Your Health!

Ice Cream For Your Health!

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Today is National Ice Cream Day! Who doesn’t love ice cream?! Everyone enjoys this frosty treat, no matter the season! Though it is not known to be a health food, ice cream actually has health benefits! Private Home Health Care is here to let you know how much ice cream is good for your health!

Source of Vitamins – Ice-cream contains milk and milk solids, which means whenever you eat ice cream, your body obtains the goodness of vitamin D, vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin. Apart from this, the different flavours add extra nutrition quotient to it. For example, dark chocolate ice cream is loaded with antioxidants and flavonoids, which helps in lowering your bad cholesterol and helps improve your heart health.

Provides Energy – Not only does ice cream have nutritional value, but it also is an incredible source of energy. Ice cream is rich with carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, which are all needed for our bodies to produce energy. Careful on how much energy you want to get from ice cream, after all, it can also help you gain weight. Everything in moderation remember! Ice cream gives you instant energy. This is because it contains ample amounts of sugar in it, which instantly makes you feel pepped up and energised. So, next time you are feeling sluggish and your blood sugar is low, grab that scoop of ice-cream and relish it.

Strengthens bones – Calcium is one of the most important minerals that is required by our bodies to maintain our bone health. However, this mineral is not produced by our bodies, which means we have to consume food that is rich in calcium to meet our body’s requirement of calcium. Ice cream is loaded with calcium and can be included in the diet to meet up for the calcium requirements. The calcium and phosphorus found in ice cream work together to build strong teeth and bones and help prevent osteoporosis.

Lowers risk of breast cancer – Lack of calcium in the body is one of the culprits of breast cancer in women. Therefore, if you wish to keep the deadly ailments like breast cancer at bay, include more calcium-rich food in your diet – ice cream can be one of them. Ample calcium intake can lower or reduce the chances of breast cancer in women. As mentioned above, the calcium found in ice cream helps prevent osteoporosis, which is more likely to occur in women as they age. So ladies, grab a spoon and dig in!

Weight gain – Yes, weight gain can be a health benefit! Medical conditions or other factors can cause unhealthy weight loss or make it hard for those trying to gain weight. The body needs a certain percentage of fat to be healthy and function at an optimal level. If you are trying to gain weight, ice cream is the perfect food to come to the rescue! It is high in fat and sugar, which helps promote weight gain, which means ice cream for breakfast!

Posted in: Healthcare

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