AAAAA Private Home Health Care


How Eating Blueberry Muffins is Healthy!

How Eating Blueberry Muffins is Healthy!

How eating blueberry muffins makes you healthier – yes, this is real!

Health benefits of blueberries:

1. Cancer prevention! Blueberries contain high levels of powerful compounds called phytochemicals, which decrease the risk of several cancers by protecting your cells from chronic inflammation. Phytochemicals occur naturally in plants and give them their color, aroma and flavor. They fight cancer by stimulating the immune system and reducing the kind of inflammation that makes cancer growth more likely. The fiber in blueberries also helps protect your intestinal lining from colorectal cancer.

2. Heart health! Fiber and antioxidants also contribute to preventing chronic diseases like heart disease by fighting free radicals in your body!

3. Help mitigate and delay cognitive decline!

4.Weight control – the fiber and low calories help you to lose weight!

5. Improves gut microbiome health and digestion! All of the nutrients, especially the fiber, in blueberries, help with your bowels.

Posted in: Healthcare

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