AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Gorgeous Grandma Day!

Gorgeous Grandma Day!

Thursday July 23 – Gorgeous Grandma Day.

Yesterday, on July 23rd, Gorgeous Grandma Day recognized all women who are older adults and seniors, whether they are grandmothers or not. Private Home Care believes that a woman’s beauty does not end at a certain age, and that beauty has no expiration date – rather it continues to increase throughout her life.

Private Home Care wholeheartedly agrees with the mission of ‘Miss Senior America’: The Ms. Senior America Pageant is the world’s first and foremost pageant to emphasize and give honor to women who have reached the “Age of Elegance.” It is a search for the gracious lady who best exemplifies the dignity, maturity and inner beauty of all senior Americans. The Ms. Senior America philosophy is based upon the belief that seniors are the foundation of America, and our most valuable treasure. It is upon their knowledge, experience and resources that the younger generation has the opportunity to build a better society.

Not all women become grandmothers. Those who do, don’t necessarily fit the traditional mold any longer. Others still reach a point where many assume grandmother status, even though no grandchildren are about.

Gorgeous Grandma Day embraces the age of the nana and encourages all women to flaunt their granny attitudes with purpose and style. While some grandmas fit the traditional mold with gray hair and cookie-baking, home-making, hug-giving, child-spoiling energy to spare, many grannies sport a whole new role. Many take on the part of grandma to the children in their lives.

No matter the type of grandmother they are, they’re all different. Some play the hippest games, wear the latest styles, and know how to find the best deals on technology. Even the grandkids can’t keep up! Funny, sassy and energetic grandmas, rebel grannies and all sorts of grannies make the grade, too.

In many scenarios, grandmother-types step into the role where no grandmother remains. These women lend ears, laps, and hugs, much like the nanas of memory. Of course, they build foundations and set young men and women on their path.

Nearly all of these fantastic women pass down family traditions while teaching children to stand on our own. Full of wisdom and wit, what would anyone do without their nanas? They go by many names, but they’re all gorgeous in their own way.

On Gorgeous Grandma Day, let the grandmothers in your life know how much they mean to you, and how beautiful they are inside and out.No matter your age, be your gorgeous self. Maybe you’re a grandma, and perhaps you’re not. It doesn’t matter. Own the attitude and celebrate. On Gorgeous Granny Day, it is a time to recognize their accomplishments and their abilities. Their lives have only just begun.

Posted in: Healthcare

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