AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Foot Health

Foot Health

National I LOVE My Feet Day! is observed annually on August 17th. This is a day to appreciate how valuable our feet are, to practice good foot care and pamper our feet. They are at the very bottom of the body, and sometimes they come last in terms of self care. Often we don’t realize how much we rely on our feet – they help us stand, walk, run, jump, job, dance, ski, swim, and all manner of activities. Humans are unique in that we walk on two legs, and our feet evolved in order to support activities and movement.

Our feet withstand all the things we do in our everyday lives and accomplish things our hands cannot.But do you know just how important foot health is? Foot health can be indicative of our overall state of health. Swelling in feet may indicate high blood pressure or the need for weight loss. Your feet can show many signs for diabetes, including tingling or numbness in feet, sores that won’t heal, swollen feet, and more. Cold feet can be a sign of poor circulation or thyroid problem, as well as hair loss, patchy spots or discoloration. Foot cramps can mean dietary deficiencies, dehydration, or overwork. Sore toe joints may signal arthritis, and stress fractures in the foot can be caused by low bone density. Also, if you have any foot pain while walking or any other chronic foot-related issue, do not wait to see a doctor, and take care of it as soon as you can.

Taking care of our feet is necessary for current well-being as well as preventative health. As we age, the years of wear and tear on our feet can be hard on them, which is why it is important to take care of our feet as much as possible. The best way to take care of your feet is to wear comfortable shoes that fit properly, trim toenails correctly, regular stretching and massages, and proper hygiene. Which means yes, get frequent pedicures for your health, your feet will thank you!

Posted in: Healthcare

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