AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Comfortable Shoes Mean Healthy and Happy Feet!

Anyone who spends a lot of time on their feet, such as nurses, can tell you the importance of well fitting, comfortable shoes! Being on your feet all day can take a toll on your feet as well as your body.

Seventy five percent of the adult population has foot problems. Podiatrists say that improper shoe choices account for the majority of those problems. Watch out for shoes that cram the toes, which can cause stress on the feet and bones, shoes without proper cushioning or arch support, and too-stiff shoes. Research on older adults says that too-short or too-narrow shoes can lead to foot deformities and increased risk for weakness and falls, as well as growths like bunions, corns and calluses. The healthiest footwear for both older and younger adults should fit well and have a low, broad heel, a thin and flexible sole, and some kind of lace, strap or Velcro to ensure the shoe stays firmly attached to the foot.

Posted in: Healthcare

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