AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Choose Tequila for Health Concious Drinking

Choose Tequila for Health Concious Drinking

Today is National Tequila Day, where we celebrate this popular liquor made from the blue agave plant. Kick off your weekend by celebrating with a little salt and lime, or make a tequila-based drink like a Margarita, Paloma, or tequila sunrise! 

Tequila has a long history, and for good reason. It is considered the healthiest of alcohols to consume!

Here are reasons why tequila is the best choice for a health-conscious drink:

  1. Low in calories –  a shot of tequila only has about 65 calories, making it one of the most low-calorie options when drinking, Compare this to a glass of white wine at 160 calories.
  2. Low in sugar – Tequila is made from blue agave nectar and has a naturally sweet flavor. That eliminates the need for sugary mixers, which is where calories and carbs really tally up. 
  3. Gluten free – pure, 100% agave tequila is made from just that – the blue agave succulent plant. Agave is a fruit, and in tequila there is no trace of wheat or barley.
  4. No carbs – thanks to the special distillation process.
  5. Does not give you a hangover –  Yes, you heard right! Quality, 100% agave tequila does not cause hangover. Why? One of the biggest contributors to your hangovers is the presence of fermentation products known as congeners. Quality tequila made from 100% blue agave has fewer of these congeners, making it an ideal elixir. However, that is if you drink in moderation. If you are drinking tequila in excess, then there is a higher probability that you will not feel well the next day.
  6. No spike in blood sugar – the sugars found in agave are simple sugars, so they break down easily in your body. There is a component in tequila that can break down dietary fat, which helps lower LDL, or ‘bad’ cholesterol levels.  
  7. Aids digestion – The agave plant used to make the drink contains high levels of inulin, which helps the digestive system by growing good bacteria, making tequila an ideal digestif. That means taking a shot of tequila after a big dinner can aid in digestion!

Posted in: Healthcare

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