AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Change Your Password Day, February 1

February 1, Change your password day. I believe this day hits home for everyone who is reading this. “Must be at lease 12 characters.” “Require at least one uppercase and one lowercase.” “Password already used.” “Passwords do not match.” “Please include symbol character (! @ # $ %.)” The dreaded task of needing to create, update or change your passwords. With all the requirements, this process can seem like solving the quadratic equation at times. Additionally, trying to remember each of these codes is an undertaking in itself.

What looking at the requirements to create a password can feel like.

How many are too many?

If you’re like me, you are forever facing a losing battle of remembering which password you use for each account you have. I’ve compiled a list of each account I have with their corresponding password. I have 93 different log ins. Therefore, I have 93 passwords. In an ideal world, I have 1 password for all 93 accounts. Subsequently, there are no hackers in the world who are looking to steal our information, and everything runs smoothly with that one unique password. However, we do not live in utopia. Of those 93 accounts, I have 16 different passwords. Many of which are required to be changed every so often, and I cannot re-use passwords. Obviously, that means that list of passwords I need to note to memory is ever growing. How many times to change your password is too many?

Change Your Password

Each site you need to use a password for has different requirements. These include, different number of characters needed, the use of upper and lowercase letters and the use of symbols requirement. It is frustrating when it takes you multiple attempts just to create your password! Some password requirements do not let you use passwords that are related to your login, email or personal information. In addition, other accounts will not allow previously used or closely related to past passwords. Do not forget that these passwords are typically case sensitive as well! Furthermore, there are sites where if you get your password incorrect multiple times, you will be locked out. So, make sure you chose your password carefully.

Password Protection

Creating and using these passwords along with two-factor authentication can be a headache. But keeping our private information is pretty important. The number of scams, hackers and fraud out there continues to grow. Certain devices have made use of facial recognition and fingerprints as an alternate to passwords. Where will advance technology lead us in regard to protecting our information? Looking back to when I was growing up, (1990’s) I only needed a handful of passwords. So, for take today don’t get overwhelmed. Take a deep breath make sure all of your passwords are secure. Change your password if it could be stronger.

Take a look at (and stay away from) the most common passwords of 2022. If you have a password in there, it may be time to change your password!

Most common passwords of 2022—make sure yours isn’t on the list (

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