National Parents Day
July 26th was National Parent’s Day, celebrated on the fourth Sunday in July. On this day each year, Americans recognize outstanding parents, celebrate the teamwork in raising children, and support the role of parental guidance in building a strong, stable society. Throughout the nation in almost every state, community leaders organize Parents’ Day events to honor parents.
Private Home Care honors parents by helping their children take care of parents in old age. Just as your parents cared for you, elderly parents may need caregiving from their children. Caregiving for an older parent is not always easy, but that is what Private Home Care is for – to provide the highest quality of care for your parents and loved ones.
National Parent’s Day was established in 1994 when the Congressional Resolution was signed into law for “recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children.” National Parents’ Day honors all parents. No matter where our parents may be, this day serves to celebrate their important role in our lives.
Parents play a vital role in the lives of children. From our birth, parents protect, teach, provide, and serve as role models. As part of a family, we look to them for guidance. We mirror their behavior and learn to be a core part of our communities. On this particular Sunday, we honor all parents who do everything to raise and protect their children.
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