Wreaths Across America
Tomorrow, December 17, is Wreaths Across America Day.
Wreaths Across America started in 2007, dedicated to placing a wreath with a red bow on every veteran’s gravesite in all military cemeteries.
The gravesites that get wreaths are for veterans from as far back as the Revolutionary War up to the modern day.
Why the holiday season? It is seen as another time to honor those who served, including those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. There are now 3,400 locations as well as at sea and overseas.
You could sponsor a location or volunteer to help place the wreaths. Families are encouraged to join in. Younger generations can learn about the heroes fought to defend our country.
Here is the website for you to check out:: https://www.wreathsacrossamerica.org/.
The site has a wealth of information from how you can volunteer, to how you can sponsor a location, to a curriculum for all ages to teach your children.
You can also read a section called “Meet the Heros”. This lists different tributes to those heroes being honored this year. All the locations for wreath laying events can also be found.
Private Home Health Care loves seeing the wreaths during the holidays. You may find yourself checking out the site and deciding to get involved!
Posted in: Healthcare
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