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Archive for 'Healthcare'

Your Heart as You Age

At birth, the life of your heart begins.  It’s believed that if as a mother you exercise before the baby is born, you are able to help your baby’s heart health.

A child’s heart is about the size of a fist.  It is small but this is the time for you to set good habits for a lifelong lower risk of heart disease.

A healthy lifestyle includes playing for physical exercise, eating healthy foods and keeping a safe weight.

Healthy lifestyles early in life can lead to healthy choices during your child’s teen years.  A teen’s body is changing in so many ways. Likewise, keeping your teenager away from smoking is one key factor.  One study shows that 68% of smokers had their first cigarette at age 18.

When you reach age 20, that is when your body’s cardiovascular system begins to change naturally so that’s another reason heart healthy habits are key.

Let’s talk about the heart’s functions to see why it’s such an important organ.  The right side pumps blood to the lungs for oxygen and it gets rid of carbon dioxide.  The left side is responsible for getting oxygen-rich blood to the entire rest of your body.

Hmmm.  That’s a big job for a not so big organ!

As you age, the heart changes normally with age-related changes.  Consequently, healthy habits early in life and help lower your risk throughout your life.

Healthy Habits include:

Diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol

Regular exercise

No or reduced smoking

Visit doctors regularly for checkups

Private Home Health Care will continue to talk about the heart this month during National Heart Month.  We want everyone to be as healthy as possible.

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Change Your Password Day, February 1

February 1, Change your password day. I believe this day hits home for everyone who is reading this. “Must be at lease 12 characters.” “Require at least one uppercase and one lowercase.” “Password already used.” “Passwords do not match.” “Please include symbol character (! @ # $ %.)” The dreaded task of needing to create, update or change your passwords. With all the requirements, this process can seem like solving the quadratic equation at times. Additionally, trying to remember each of these codes is an undertaking in itself.

What looking at the requirements to create a password can feel like.

How many are too many?

If you’re like me, you are forever facing a losing battle of remembering which password you use for each account you have. I’ve compiled a list of each account I have with their corresponding password. I have 93 different log ins. Therefore, I have 93 passwords. In an ideal world, I have 1 password for all 93 accounts. Subsequently, there are no hackers in the world who are looking to steal our information, and everything runs smoothly with that one unique password. However, we do not live in utopia. Of those 93 accounts, I have 16 different passwords. Many of which are required to be changed every so often, and I cannot re-use passwords. Obviously, that means that list of passwords I need to note to memory is ever growing. How many times to change your password is too many?

Change Your Password

Each site you need to use a password for has different requirements. These include, different number of characters needed, the use of upper and lowercase letters and the use of symbols requirement. It is frustrating when it takes you multiple attempts just to create your password! Some password requirements do not let you use passwords that are related to your login, email or personal information. In addition, other accounts will not allow previously used or closely related to past passwords. Do not forget that these passwords are typically case sensitive as well! Furthermore, there are sites where if you get your password incorrect multiple times, you will be locked out. So, make sure you chose your password carefully.

Password Protection

Creating and using these passwords along with two-factor authentication can be a headache. But keeping our private information is pretty important. The number of scams, hackers and fraud out there continues to grow. Certain devices have made use of facial recognition and fingerprints as an alternate to passwords. Where will advance technology lead us in regard to protecting our information? Looking back to when I was growing up, (1990’s) I only needed a handful of passwords. So, for take today don’t get overwhelmed. Take a deep breath make sure all of your passwords are secure. Change your password if it could be stronger.

Take a look at (and stay away from) the most common passwords of 2022. If you have a password in there, it may be time to change your password!

Most common passwords of 2022—make sure yours isn’t on the list (

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National Heart Month

Today kicks off National Heart Month, #NationalHeartMonth.

National Heart Month focuses on heart disease and what each of us can do to combat this prevalent disease.

Your heart is an important part of your body, emotionally and physically.  All of us can be at risk for heart disease or stroke but there are actions we can take to lower the risk.

Many of us have sedentary jobs and in addition, we feel unable to find the time to exercise. If we factor in obesity and smoking this raises the risk.

You and I all are able to lower the risk factors by changing our lifestyles, even if it’s only a little.

  • Find time to exercise.  Walking more is a great and easy, low-cost exercise.
  • Eat healthier.  Eat more leafy greens, lean meats and less fast food.
  • Quit smoking.  There are many places that can help you.
  • Reduce your stress.  This can be hard but again, there are resources to help.

Even those of us that appear not to be at risk can be susceptible.  Damar Hamlin of the Buffalo Bills Football team is an example.

On January 2, 2023 Damar had a heart attack in the middle of a NFL football game.  He is 24 years old and was very fortunate to have great medical services available to him and to have survived.

Because of this, Damar has partnered with The American Heart Association on a challenge.  It is called the #3forHeart CPR Challenge.  

Damar first received CPR on the playing field and he knows how important it is for you to be trained.  You never know when you will be needed so it’s best to be prepared.  You can learn the details at Damar Hamlin’s #3forHeart CPR Challenge | American Heart Association.

Private Home Health Care will be focusing on the heart this month and are so happy that Damar has become a spokesperson for The American Heart Association.

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Tomorrow is National Hot Chocolate Day. That delicious chocolatey warm drink that can warm your heart on a cold winter’s day.

A quick history lesson  . . .

Back in the 1800’s, a father and son helped create the cocoa powder you use in your drink. 

Casparus van Houten Sr. figured out how to separate the cocoa solids from the butter.  His son, Coenraad Johannes was the one who made the fats more soluble in water.  Both together created cocoa powder perfect for hot chocolate.

You and I know that hot chocolate is delicious.  We also know that hot chocolates can be high in sugar.  The great news is that if you are diabetic and watching your blood sugar you can still enjoy a cup!

How can I enjoy hot chocolate as a diabetic?

You can keep your glucose levels down and drink hot chocolate if you watch your ingredients.

Ingredients  . . .

You should start with a high quality cocoa powder that is organic and low in sugar. Ghiradelli Unsweetened Dutch Process Cocoa or Hershey’s Special Dark 100% Cacao are both good options.

Next, choose unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk to your cocoa with a dash of salt.  

For sweetness you can add stevia which is natural and sugar-free.  It comes in liquid or powder form.

Instructions . . .

Heat the milk until it’s hot but not boiling.  Add two to three tablespoons of cocoa and mix.  Finally add your sugar-free sweetener.  Heat a bit more, then enjoy!

Private Home Health Care knows that hot chocolate can reduce your blood pressure and increase brain function.  It’s also good for the soul on a cold day.

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National Bath Safety Month

As you age, bathing can become a problem.  You might have trouble getting into a bath tub. Would a shower or a bath be better for you when you are elderly?

There seem to be good points to each but overall the thinking is that if your shower is set up safely that has more positives than having a bath.

A shower is easier for you to get in and out of, especially if your entry is at the same level as the floor.  You don’t need to lift your legs over the sides of a tub and stay steady.

Add safety handrails. Plumbers need to install some but there are also some with strong suction cups that you could add.  You need to make sure handrails are placed at a spot for you to to reach should you slip.

A shower door over a sliding door is recommended.  Sliding doors can be alot to manage and they can move if you grab on to them.

Inside the shower you can get a rubber mat for the floor and it is also recommended that there is a seat for you in case you get tired or if you need support. 

Be sure too that the mat you use when you leave the shower has a rubber base and does not move.

If you love your baths don’t feel that you have to eliminate the. There are positive things about baths too.  For example, they have bathtubs with doors that allow you to walk straight in.

A bath can be relaxing for your muscles and joints and can help moisturize your skin.  You might also feel that you can sleep well after a nice warm bath.

Private Home Health Care understands that as we age normal tasks can get difficult.  Be sure to ask for help if you need it but also look into what is the most safe option for you.  We want you to stay as healthy as possible.

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Change a Pet’s Life Day – January 24

Change a Pet’s Life Day is annually on January 24. This day isn’t only life-changing for our pets, it changes our lives for the better too. Often seen on the windows of cars is the saying, “Who saved who?” An estimated 68% of U.S. households have a pet. There are many positives to owning a pet. In fact, research has shown physical, mental, and emotional advantages. Furthermore, having a pet will increase the owners exercise, protect them from invaders or predators, and even sense danger.  This day enables us to provide a new home for one or more of the millions of animals in shelters. Though not everyone is able to adopt a pet, there are many other ways to contribute to changing a pet’s life.

Positive social impact of owning a pet

  • Couples who own a pet together have lower blood pressure.  Further, They also interact with each other more than those in a pet free home.
  • Studies show that pet owners are more likely to engage with people in their neighborhood than those who do not have a pet.

Health Benefits of being a pet owner

  • lowers blood pressure and cortisol levels (stress related hormone)
  • Decrease loneliness, boost your mood and increase feelings of social support
  • Animals can serve as a source of comfort and support

Children, Pets and Learning

  • Taking care of a pet helps with teaching children about responsibility and empathy
  • The presence of a pet is proven to help children with ADHD maintain focus
  • Furthermore, studies show children on the autism spectrum feel more relaxed and comfortable with an animal around them.
  • Many pets are being trained as service animals to help folks with disabilities, needs and conditions.

Honoring National Change a Pet’s Life Day

 Changing a pet’s life can be done in many fashions. Obviously, providing a forever home for a pet is the main one. Equally important is donating money to pet shelters. This helps provide these shelters the means to take care, provide for and aide pets while they work to find their forever home. Additionally, donating time to local animal shelters and fundraising can help change their lives. The ASPCA does amazing work in helping to change a pets life, (ASPCA | American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) as we try to do that with out clients (Home – AAAAA Private Home Health Care AAAAA Private Home Health Care (

Happy National Change a Pet’s Life Day

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National Handwriting Day

Handwriting?  What is that?  Do you recall learning handwriting in school?

We all learn to write because that is the road to learning letters and reading.  As we go up to the older grades there is still some actual handwriting that is being taught too.

Journaling is a popular way for many to write.  You can find studies that show that putting pen to paper in a journal can have some health benefits.  

If you have a sense of being overwhelmed or if you want to try and sort out some of your feelings, writing in a journal can help to reduce some of your stress.  It can be a good release.  

There have been a number of studies done where if you journal for a period of time, 12 weeks or a few months you feel less depressed and anxious.

When you feel negative or worried, sitting down to journal for a few minutes can help you process your emotions.  It can set you apart from your emotions and you might even find that you can look at them subjectively.

Processing your emotions can be hard.  Journals can be a way to work through them.  They can also help provide you with next steps.

You and I use social media, computers, iphones, ipads and other devices.  If truth be told we can’t live without them but writing in a journal can be another outlet.  All you need is pen and paper.  

Private Home Health Care suggests writing something you are grateful for each day. Life can get so busy.  It’s helpful to step back and check in.  Journaling can be a great outlet. Give it a try.

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Stress and High Blood Pressure

We all have stress in our lives. You could have a fight with a sibling or spouse, you have a deadline at work or an issue with your dog.  Our bodies can handle our blood pressure getting elevated for a “short” time and then coming down.  That’s a part of daily life.

In addition, there is actually no proof that normal stress can lead to long-term elevated blood pressure.

The issue begins when your stress becomes chronic.  When stress lasts for weeks, months or years this chronic stress can lead to health problems.  

Chronic stress can increase your risk of damage to your blood vessels, heart and kidney.  This is when doctors become concerned.

Stress is not always easy to handle but there are ways that you can look to help manage it.  They are not difficult and they don’t have to cost money.

Here are some suggestions:

  1. Make sure you get enough sleep.  Seven to eight hours a night are recommended.
  2. Try some relaxation techniques.  Listen to quiet music and relax your mind, meditate or try yoga.  Mindfulness exercises work too.
  3. Have you picked up any bad habits?  Try excessive amounts of alcohol or coffee. Be careful not to overeat.
  4. Exercise – move as much as you are able either by walking outside, in a gym or mall or on a treadmill for example.  Any movement helps.
  5. Don’t hold onto anger.  Address issues as they come up.
  6. If you can identify stressors in your life try and reduce or eliminate them. 

Private Home Health Care sees the stress in people’s lives.  We hope that you can find ways to reduce stress for a healthier and happier life.

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Good Memory Day – January 19

January 19 is Good Memory Day. The human memory is one of the most amazing, yet fragile aspects of life. Today is a day to cherish good moments from our past and present as well as making new ones. From the moment we are born, our brain takes in and process all kinds of information. Unlike a computer, that stores memory securely for eternity, the human memory does not have that luxury. Many factors play into memories being preserved and for how long. There are also many studies on how brain functionality can change over time.

Alzheimer’s Disease

An organization near and dear to us is The Alzheimer’s Association. This organization leads the way to end Alzheimer’s and all other dementia. This is done by accelerating research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support ( They are one of the premier groups that fundraise, spread awareness, as well as advocate for Alzheimer’s and dementia research.

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE)

Another leading concern for brain injury and memory loss that has garnered headlines recently is Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). CTE, which is a brain condition thought to be linked to the repeated head injuries, like concussions. CTE has made the news being linked to the National Football League (NFL). A large number of former NFL players have been diagnosed with CTE. With the violent collisions and helmet to helmet hits in football, brain injuries are a major problem. Furthermore, retired and even active players are coming forth with struggles they are facing do to CTE. There are ongoing studies of former players and their brains after a career in football with the repeated blows to the head.

These are only two potential problems that affect the memory. Researchers and doctors are striving to find ways to help prevent, lessen and hopefully cure these problems. Today is a day to look into what you can do to protect yourself and loved ones. As stated previously, the brain is a very complex and fragile part of the body. We only have one.  Please take some time in honor of good memory day, to reflect on those positive memories you have and informing yourself on how to protect those memories.

How to Celebrate!

  • Scroll through old photo albums and
  • Take time to reflect and share positive memories.
  • Play games geared brain stimulation
  • Taking time to research ways to keep the brain active
  • Fundraise/donate to causes related to causes that work with brain memory and functionality
  • Sign up for a walk or fundraising activity to shed light on these causes.
Take a trip down memory lane.

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Tomorrow is National Popcorn Day!

Popcorn is a quick, easy and depending on the popcorn, a healthy snack. 

Traditionally you think of getting popcorn when you go to a movie theater.  You can also pop it or buy it and enjoy watching a movie at home.  It’s also a great snack if you are on the go!

We’ll talk about the packaged brands later but if you pop it yourself and limit the salt and butter you’d be amazed at some of the health benefits. 

Find a brand that you can add your own salt and oil.  To make it healthy, use a light butter or olive oil rather than butter.  You might also try grated cheese or chili flakes for some variety!  

According to WebMD, you’ll find in a three cup serving of air-popped popcorn (low in salt and butter) the following stats:

Calories:  only 93

Protein: 3 grams

Carbs: 18.6 grams

Fiber: 3.6 grams

Sugar: .02 grams

Fat: 1.1 grams

Add on some antioxidants and vitamins like B6, A, E and K and you get more nutrition.  

If you are looking to purchase popped popcorn from the store, worked with dietitians to come up with the top 10 healthiest popcorn brands. 

Their criteria:

  • Nutrition (especially calories, fat, fiber and sodium)
  • Flavor
  • Ingredients list
  • Packaging

Here are some of their suggestions:  Skinny Pop Original, Lesser Evil Himalayan Pink Salt, Quinn Aged Parmesan and Rosemary, Boom Chicka Pop Sweet and Salty Kettle Corn, Newman’s Own Organic Touch of Butter, Whole Foods 365 Organic Yellow Popcorn, Trader Joe’s Organic Popcorn with Olive Oil.

Private Home Health Care loves to eat popcorn for a quick healthy snack.  You might just find us eating some on National Popcorn Day tomorrow!


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