National Honesty Day
The last day of April is National Honesty Day. Honesty or telling the truth is a positive character trait. Honesty feeds into having integrity and leads to trust.
Have you ever been dishonest? I think each of us can say that we’ve all told at least one lie in our lives. Perhaps you felt that a lie needs to be told to save someone’s feelings. Maybe you’ve stretched the truth a bit. Then again, you may have told a real whopper.
No one is perfect because all of us have told some sort of a lie at some point in our lives. It may have been unintentional but that’s still not being honest. Even those nominated for sainthood must have been dishonest at some point!
Whatever dishonest moment you’ve had in the past you can change it in the here and now.
On this National Honesty Day you are encouraged to be honest and truthful in your words and actions.
If you are in the business world or in your personal life, strive to be honest. When you are dealing with a sibling, child, parent or a friend try to do your best to be honest. The more honest you are the more trusted you become and consequently the more integrity you gain.
Private Home Health Care believes in being honest and we try to gain and hold the trust of the people we serve. Celebrate the day by trying to be honest all day.
Posted in: Healthcare
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