AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Singing Showtunes Proven to Fight Off Dementia and Alzheimers

Neuroscientists at George Mason University have found that singing show tunes may help dementia and Alzheimers patients to regain some cognitive skills! 

“Before, everyone in the moderate and severe dementia groups had similar cognitive test results respective to their counterparts. After the sessions, those that sang along had more improved scores on both cognitive tasks compared to participants that just listened.”

“The researchers also looked at brain scans of the subjects as they sang or listened to show tunes. The listeners had more activity in the temporal lobe on the right side of the brain, while watching someone else instruct lit up the visual areas. Singing and speaking activated the left side of the brain more.”

At Private Home Care we are glad to hear yet another reason to sing musicals and showtunes! What are your favorites?

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National Handwashing Awareness Week! December 2-6

National Handwashing Awareness Week! December 2-6

This week (December 2-8) is National Handwashing Awareness Week, which raises awareness of the importance of washing your hands. Regular hand washing with liquid or bar soap is the best way to prevent the spread of germs and illness. Many illnesses and infection start by germs on the hands, and washing your hands often is important for a healthy lifestyle.

During this flu and cold season, the best ways to keep yourself healthy is to get a flu shot and to wash your hands regularly to prevent you and others from becoming infected. For effective handwashing, make sure to scrub for at least 20 seconds, or about the time it takes to hum the ‘Happy Birthday’ song twice. Studies have shown that using paper towels for drying your hands is best for removing germs. As always, Private Home Care is dedicated to the health of our clients and promoting healthy lifestyles!

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World Antibiotics Awareness Week

World Antibiotics Awareness Week

World Antibiotic Awareness week

Private Home Care would like to acknowledge World Antibiotic Awareness Week (Nov 11-17), which bring awareness to antibiotic resistance and how the medical community is educating us about the proper use of these disease-fighting drugs.


“At least 30% of the antibiotics in U.S. outpatient settings are prescribed unnecessarily. Any time antibiotics are used, they can cause side effects and lead to antibiotic resistance, one of the most urgent threats to the public’s health. ” CDC

Antibiotics are crucial to modern medicine but if they are overused or not used properly, there can be dangerous outcomes. Private Home Care is operated under medical expertise to ensure the safety and well-being of you and your loved ones.

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National Family Health Day

National Family Health Day

In 2004, the Surgeon General declared as Thanksgiving as a Family Health History Day. The idea is that when everyone in your family is already together, to discuss the family health history and risks or concerns. Having your family health history well documented can help prevent illness and is very useful for your medical professionals!

How to observe National Family Health History Day:

  1. Draw a genealogy tree.
  2. Put together a binder of family health history
  3. Assign everyone to write down any health concerns to share.

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Healthy Treats!

Healthy Treats!

Today is National Cake Day!

At Private Home Care, we want you to know that you can have your cake and eat it too!

Eating healthy does not mean you have to throw away your favorite family recipes! You can substitute ingredients to make healthier dishes that still taste spot-on! Small adjustments in recipes can make a big difference. Remember, proper nutrition is crucial for living a long, healthy life, and helps reduce the chance of conditions like Alzheimer’s. When consumed in moderation, healthier baked goods can be a great once-in-a-while treat. 


Flour – use whole wheat flour, nut flour, coconut flour

Oil or butter – use unsweetened applesauce, mashed bananas and nut butters 

Sour cream – use greek yogurt

Sugar – use bananas, maple syrup, coconut sugar, natural honey, agave 

Check out these recipes!

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With Gratitude

With Gratitude

In this season of gratitude, Private Home Care wants you to know that we are grateful for you – our family, friends, and clients. Wishing everyone a healthy and happy Thanksgiving, from the heartfelt caregivers at Private Home Care.

DID YOU KNOW? Gratitude has scientifically proven health benefits including: less aches and pains, lowered blood pressure and stress levels, better sleep, increased mental resilience and clarity, and overall improved health. Researchers indicated that gratitude can even be a factor in longevity! Source:

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November is Family Caregiver Month

November is Family Caregiver Month

When taking care of a loved one, the toll upon caregivers can often be unforeseen. The daily duties and attention that your loved one requires can weigh on an individual. About 14.3% of adults in the U.S. have been a caretaker to adults age 50+ in the past year, and according to an AARP report. At Private Home Care, we understand and empathize with this situation. We want you to know that we are here to support you and guide you through this difficult process.

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Honoring Our Veterans

Honoring Our Veterans

This Veterans Day, on November 11 2019, we pay respects to veterans of the United States Armed Forces. At Private Home Care, we salute the brave men and women who have served and continue to serve our country. We have the honor of working with veterans of previous generations, and we understand that it is now our turn to care for them. As we reflect upon their duty to our country, we appreciate their sacrifices and those of their families to keep us safe. 

A helpful way to recognize a veteran’s service, as recommended by, is to ask them about their past. Instead of just thanking them for their service, inquire as to what their role was in the military, why they chose the branch they did, who their closest friends in the military were, and to share any of their favorite stories from their service. For some veterans, “thank you for your service” may sound hollow due to its widespread use, so taking time to listen and validate their service can show a deeper appreciation. 

It is important to acknowledge battle wounds, both visible and not. For seniors veterans, a busted knee from an ambush operation decades ago may turn into a physical health constraint in their advanced years. For others who may be experiencing alzheimers or dementia, studies cited in the US National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health indicate that past battle stress may increase risk of these conditions in senior veterans. This is all the more reason to inquire about their service in the US Armed Forces. Not only is it a point of pride, but recalling the past helps with memory and cognition for those with alzheimers, dementia, or similar conditions.  

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