AAAAA Private Home Health Care



It’s National Banana Day!  The yellow, fingerlike bananas are one of the most cultivated fruits in the world.  You can eat them when they are green, with a few brown spots or very soft and wow the health benefits!

One medium banana gives you 450mg or 13% of your daily potassium intake.  Potassium helps lower your blood pressure and fuels your muscles. Troubled by kidney stones?  Bananas can help keep them away. 

How about getting 10% of your fiber intake from a banana?  What about all the vitamins and minerals like Vitamin B6 (metabolism), Vitamin C (immune system), Magnesium (blood pressure and blood sugar) and Vitamin A (vision).

Bananas are jam packed with goodness but some of us need to be careful too.  If you have kidney problems you need to watch your potassium intake or when living with diabetes you should eat no more than half a banana for a snack.  Check with our physician for guidance.

Private Home Health Care loves bananas and we have a delicious recipe for a yummy protein shake below:

1 cup almond milk

1 scoop of JuliePlus+ Chocolate Complete Shake Mix

1 ½ Tbsp Peanut Butter

1 ½ tsp cocoa

1 frozen banana (freeze in slices)

Mix all together in a Magic Bullet or a blender and enjoy!

Posted in: Healthcare

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