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National K9 Veteran’s Day

Today is National K9 Veterans Day! On this day we honor and commemorate the service and sacrifices of American military and working dogs.

K9’s serve in many different ways, such as rescue missions, bomb detection, and drug sniffing. It is very beneficial for soldiers to be reunited with their dogs after their service. Dogs can also be tremendously helpful for wounded soldiers as guide dogs or emotional support dogs.

At Professional Home Care we also utilize dogs (toy form) because they have been proven to help Alzheimer’s patients!

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Pack Your Lunch Day!

Pack Your Lunch Day!

Today is National Pack Your Lunch Day! Private Home Care prefers to pack our own lunches because it is much healthier!

Packing your own lunch is great for your nutrition goals. Brown bagging it lets you control food portions and you know exactly what is in your food. It helps promote weight loss because eating a healthy homemade lunch instead of restaurant food can help you cut hundreds of calories a week!

Packing your lunch also saves you money, which you can use towards investing further in your health and wellness (such as a golf retreat in Hawaii!).

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National Napping Day

National Napping Day

Today, March 9th, is National Napping Day. Adequate sleep is essential to well-being, and it can help protect your physical health, mental health, well-being, quality of life, and safety. Sleep allows the body to perform important functions in order to repair and recharge.

Not getting enough sleep can compromise the immune system. Lack of sleep can make you more prone to chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s.

Napping can help make up for lost sleep, and has been proven to improve mood and performance.

Private Home Care supports a healthy lifestyle, so go ahead and take a nap!

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Golfing for Your Health

Golf is a fun, leisurely pastime that millions enjoy all over the world. But did you know that the sport is very beneficial for your health? Golf is great for the mind and body (it is also Mary’s favorite hobby)!

Fosters Relationships – Golf is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Because golf is not a high intensity or competitive sport, there is plenty of opportunity for meeting new people and connecting with a community. There have even been studies showing that a large number of business deals are closed on the golf course!

Physical Activity – Sports improve your physical fitness. Golf is a moderately intense physical activity due to the walking, swinging, and carrying bags. What is great about golf is that you can tailor the amount of physical activity to your level of ability. You can use golf carts and caddies to fit your needs.

Heart Health – Any physical activity is good for your heart. Golf keeps your heart rate up for hours as you walk and play. This can help reduce the risk of heart disease and many other illnesses. 

Weight Loss – Playing golf burns calories! You can easily reach the 10,000 step a day recommendation for weight loss during a game of golf.

Low Injury – Golf is a low-impact activity and is easy on the joints. This is a great sport especially for more mature players because golf has a low risk of injury but still allows golfers to burn calories.

Time Spent Outdoors – Spending time outside is great for your health. Being surrounded by nature is known to help alleviate stress and anxiety. Exposure to sunlight lets the body soak up Vitamin D, which helps promote bone growth as well as reduce depression.

Brain Health – Golf requires focus and memory, and playing regularly can help prevent or reduce cognitive decline.   

Vision and Coordination – Players need to hone in on small objects far away, which helps exercise their vision. While swinging the club you work on your hand-eye coordination, and walking around on the gentle putting greens encourages balance and stability. 

Socialization – Human beings are social animals, and socializing with others is a mainstay to a healthy life! Regular golfers may have enhanced social connections, interpersonal skills and emotional control.

Private Home Care encourages you to come join us out on the putting greens!

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Kindness and Well Being

Kindness and Well Being

Kindness: good for your mind, good for your body! Make sure to be kind to yourself!

Practicing kindness is beneficial for both your mental and physical health. Many physical and mental health conditions are caused or aggravated by stress, and kindness reduces stress.

When you are in a positive mood from practicing kindness, your blood pressure is lower, your immune system is stronger, and it can even reduce your ability to feel pain.

When you practice acts of kindness, it releases hormones that improve your mood and well being! It is so effective that it is being formally incorporated into types of psychotherapy.

Kindness is most beneficial when it is a regular practice – you become more aware of it, and it becomes a habit, which may inspire others to be more kind as well. When you share kindness you have no idea how far the ripple will go.

Private Home Care encourages everyone to add more kindness to your life – to others and yourself!

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Almonds are a Superfood!

Almonds are a Superfood!

Yesterday was National Almond Day! They are a nutritional SUPERFOOD and you gain all of the benefits from almonds from eating about a handful (1 oz) a day. Almonds are technically seeds and not nuts. 

Almonds are a great go-to snack and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways such as salty, savory, and sweet! Private Home Care snacks on almonds daily, it gives us energy to provide the very best care for you and your loved ones!

Health Benefits of Almonds:

Lowers overall cholesterol levels – Almonds are high in unsaturated fat and the American Heart Associate recommends that in moderation unsaturated fats may improve a person’s blood cholesterol status. Vitamin E found in almonds is an antioxidant that can help stop the oxidation process that causes cholesterol to clog the arteries.

Decreases cancer risk – Especially breast cancer.

Reduces risk of heart disease – Scientists found that almonds significantly increased the levels of antioxidants in the bloodstream, reduced blood pressure, and improved blood flow.

High in Vitamin E – Vitamin E and other antioxidants help prevent oxidative damage in the body. This damage may occur when too many free radicals accumulate.

“Free radicals result from natural bodily processes and environmental stresses. The body can eliminate many of them, but dietary antioxidants help remove them, too. High levels of free radicals can cause oxidative stress resulting in damage to cells. This can lead to various diseases and health problems.” – Yvette Brazier on December 1, 2013

There is even a link between higher vitamin E intake with a lower risk of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Decrease risk of obesity – Almonds may help manage weight because they are low on carbohydrates but high in protein, healthy fats and fiber, which helps you feel fuller for longer.  

Stabilize blood sugar for diabetics – Almonds are high in magnesium and scientists have found that there is a link between low magnesium levels and insulin resistance. 

Almonds increase bone health – Almonds contain calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, vitamin K, protein, and zinc, which all contribute to bone health. 

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Heart Health and Almonds

Almonds are a nutritional #SUPERFOOD, especially for heart health. February is #AmericanHeartMonth and yesterday was #NationalAlmondDay. Coincidence? We think not.

Private Home Care snacks on almonds daily, it gives us energy to provide the very best care for you and your loved ones!

Almonds are a great go-to snack and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways such as salty, savory, and sweet!

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Random Act of Kindness Day

February 17th is National Random Act of Kindness Day.

Kindness explained – Kindness is one of the only things that doubles when you share it!

Kindness is free and can just take a moment,such as opening a door for someone behind you or giving a genuine smile to a stranger.

Private Home Care celebrates and promotes kindness for a happier, healthier world. Each and every one of us has kindness to give, and deserves kindness in return. What is your random act of kindness for today?


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