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‘Eat Your Jello Day!’

‘Eat Your Jello Day!’

‘Eat Your Jello Day!’ was yesterday, July 12th. With plenty of flavors to choose from, you should have no problem finding one you like. It is easy to eat and fun to make!

Private Home Care loves jello because it is a great food for care giving. Many seniors may have difficulty swallowing, and jello is easy to consume. This is very important for when seniors have trouble swallowing medications and pills. A pill can be crushed up and stirred into jello for easy consumption, or pressed deep into the jello as a whole to help facilitate swallowing. The elderly are more prone to dehydration due to processes that happen when the body ages.

Those with dementia or alzheimers are particularly prone to dehydration because they may simply forget to drink or not realize when they are thirsty. The high water content of jello is a fantastic way to keep seniors hydrated, and it is easy to swallow. It is a great way to make sure that your loved ones who find the taste of water to be bland are hydrated.

Trademarked in 1897 by Pearle Wait of Leroy, New York, Jell-O is the novel and fun dessert loved by millions. Francis Woodward, who later purchased the recipe and trademark, eventually made Jell-O a household name. With 21 different flavors, Jell-O satisfies every taste and can be enjoyed in numerous combinations.Jell-O’s primary ingredient is gelatin. Gelatin consists of collagen, specifically animal collagen. It’s a protein extracted from the connective tissues. Once the protein is broken down and extracted, the collagen is dried and ground into a fine powder.

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National Beans and Franks Day!

National Beans and Franks Day!

National Beans and Franks Day

National Beans ‘N’ Franks Day on July 13th encourages us to make our favorite recipes during National Hot Dog Month. This simple recipe cooks up a delicious dish in no time and goes well with summertime barbecues, too!

Beans boast many health benefits and are an important part of a healthy diet. Baked beans are often made with pinto beans, which are a rockstar superfood! Pinto beans contain important vitamins and minerals like Vitamin B1 (thiamine), iron, magnesium and phosphorus. Pinto beans are also full of fiber and protein.

Pinto beans can help improve blood sugar regulation because they have a low GI and are high in fiber and protein. The same properties in pinto beans aid in weight loss because it promotes fullness and a healthy digestive system. Other benefits include rich in antioxidants and may aid heart health!

Baked beans became popular during the Civil War in the United States. They would later become one of the first canned convenience foods on the market in the 1890s. The franks, or frankfurters, can be beef, pork, or a combination of both. They can even be plant-based! The ground meat is blended with spices and seasonings before being cured. Home cooks make beans and franks, too.

Recipes can include beans, hot dogs, brown sugar, onion, mustard, barbecue sauce, and spices. The United States isn’t the only place recipes are found, either. Around the world, beans and franks enjoy wide popularity.Beans and franks go well with coleslaw, grilled corn on the cob, and vegetable kabobs. Add some iced tea and pie to complete the meal.

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National Cheer Up The Lonely Day

National Cheer Up the Lonely Day was July 11th. On this day people across the United States make a special effort to give someone a lift.

If you know someone who is lonely or going through a difficult time, be a bright spot in their life with a little extra thoughtfulness today. Whether their loneliness is due to health issues, financial reasons, grief due to loss or personal reasons, isolation can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, many seniors really struggle with loneliness.

Use this day as a reminder to contact those people, especially seniors, in your life who need a little extra love and attention. Your small act of kindness can make a big difference to them.

One word or special consideration may brighten their world at just the right moment.

We are all lonely from time to time. The gift of companionship and support for lonely seniors is priceless for you and for them.

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How Eating Blueberry Muffins is Healthy!

How Eating Blueberry Muffins is Healthy!

How eating blueberry muffins makes you healthier – yes, this is real!

Health benefits of blueberries:

1. Cancer prevention! Blueberries contain high levels of powerful compounds called phytochemicals, which decrease the risk of several cancers by protecting your cells from chronic inflammation. Phytochemicals occur naturally in plants and give them their color, aroma and flavor. They fight cancer by stimulating the immune system and reducing the kind of inflammation that makes cancer growth more likely. The fiber in blueberries also helps protect your intestinal lining from colorectal cancer.

2. Heart health! Fiber and antioxidants also contribute to preventing chronic diseases like heart disease by fighting free radicals in your body!

3. Help mitigate and delay cognitive decline!

4.Weight control – the fiber and low calories help you to lose weight!

5. Improves gut microbiome health and digestion! All of the nutrients, especially the fiber, in blueberries, help with your bowels.

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National Blueberry Muffins Day!

National Blueberry Muffin Day was Saturday, July 11!

Blueberry muffins are a great reason to get up in the morning and celebrate! Americans love blueberry muffins so much, it is their #1 flavor! Whether eaten as breakfast or as a snack, they are always delicious!

Did you know just how good blueberries are for you? Blueberries are a top superfood! Even just a handful a day gives you the full amount of ‘blueb’ benefits! Blueberries are among the most nutrient-dense berries, and have high levels of fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and Maganese. We love blueberry muffins, but the sugar-laden kind is not very healthy. Try this delicious, healthy recipe instead!

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National Kitten Day!

Happy National Kitten Day! (One of the cutest national days!)

Kittens! Who doesn’t love tiny, adorable kittens? …their big heads, giant eyes, tiny pink paws and noses, and the adorable mews they make…. We can’t resist their cute and furry charms. National Kitten Day was founded to encourage adopting kittens and cats from shelters. You can celebrate by adopting, donating to a shelter, and by petting and taking extra good care of your kitten!

Did you know that owning a kitten is actually good for your health? Studies have found that kitten or cat owners have lowered levels of stress, lower risk of heart disease, better sleep, and may actually help improve allergies. Enjoy these adorable kittens!

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National Pina Colada Day!

National Pina Colada Day!

Happy National Pina Colada Day!

If you like Pina Coladas and getting caught being healthy, this is the day for you!

July 10th recognizes a sweet, rum-based cocktail on National Pina Colada Day. Along with rum, a Pina Colada includes cream of coconut and pineapple juice and is usually served blended or shaken with ice.Pina Colada means ‘strained pineapple,’ a reference to the freshly pressed and strained pineapple juice used in the drink.

There are several claims as to the origin of the drink, but no matter who was the real creator, we know that this well-loved drink reminds us of beach days and the summer!

Private Home Care loves nutrition! Believe it or not, there are many health benefits of drinking pina coladas! Pineapple is chock full of Vitamin C – it has 131% of the recommended daily intake! It also boasts high levels of manganese and antioxidants, as well as Vitamin K and A. Coconuts are full of natural, ‘good’ fats and are also high in manganese, copper, and iron. When drinking a pina colada during a (safe) sun lounging session, where you absorb important Vitamin D, you have gotten your daily levels of Vitamin A, C, D, K. Who says there is no such thing as too good to be true?! Cheers to National Pina Colada Day!

The alcoholic beverage isn’t the only way to celebrate either, making pina colada mocktails is just as delicious and refreshing! The day is dedicated to all things pina colada. Whether we make a dessert or snack on pina colada jelly beans, everyone can join in the day.

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National Father-Daughter Take a Walk Day!

National Father-Daughter Take a Walk Day!

Happy National Father Daughter Take a Walk Day!

National Father Daughter Take a Walk Day is observed annually on July 7th. This day promotes the benefits of family bonding time between fathers and daughters as well as the benefits of physical activity.

The memories made during your time together will stay with you forever. During the summer season, there are many incredible places to walk and enjoy nature as you spend time talking, laughing, and bonding. While taking a stroll, cherish the time spent together. Your child will value the gift of the time you give no matter how old they are.

As you’re walking, you will also be setting an excellent example of a healthy lifestyle – another valuable gift. Walking is one of the best exercises and the easiest to incorporate. Walking is something the whole family can do together, so don’t be surprised when the rest of the family asks to go for walks, too.

Father-daughter walks can be as long or short as you like. Walks around your neighborhood help increase interactions with neighbors. Another great place for walks is along local walking or hiking trails. These well-marked trails offer a little bit of nature while keeping from getting lost. During inclement weather, indoor walking tracks or large indoor spaces could take the place of the sunshine and parks.

It is especially important now for daughters to take a walk with their older fathers. It has been hard on seniors to be socially distanced from their families. As long as applicable safety guidelines are being followed, going for a nice stroll through the park should be a lovely time! Being around people you love boosts the immune system and is actually GOOD for your health! Take a walk with your father, for his health and his!

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Say ‘Yes’ to Strawberries!

Let’s talk about strawberries!

Not only are they delicious, but these wonder-berries are a nutritional powerhouse!

There is a good reason why strawberries are naturally shaped like a heart – because they are very heart-healthy! Strawberries increase HDL (good) cholesterol, and lower your blood pressure. They protect against heart disease and heart attack because strawberries have anti-clotting properties. This means that nutrients in strawberries make blood thinner so there will not be blood clumps that can potentially travel to a major organ, like the heart, and cause a blockage, which can lead to a heart attack.

Many people take medications for this condition…but what if you could just eat a simple berry to prevent this from happening? This does not mean that you should stop your medications immediately, but there is a chance that you could lower your dosage (or even not have to take medicine) by enjoying delicious strawberries every day!

Antioxidants in strawberries counteract the effect bad cholesterol ‘LDL’ in the blood, which causes plaque to build up in arteries. They also provide an anti-inflammatory effect, which is also good for the heart.

Antioxidants! Strawberries are chock-full of gorgeous antioxidants! Scientists found that the high levels of antioxidants in strawberries helped reduce oxidative damage, as well as blood lipids — both of which play a role in heart disease and diabetes. The antioxidant properties in strawberries may also help to prevent cataracts!

VITAMIN C: One serving of strawberries provides half of your daily recommended about of Vitamin C! As we know, Vitamin C is powerful immune booster, and a powerful, fast-working antioxidant. Because of high levels of Vitamin C, next time you are sick, reach for fresh strawberries and not sugar-laden orange juice!

Strawberries can help ward off cancer! Vitamin C is one of the antioxidants that can help with cancer prevention, since a healthy immune system is the body’s best defense!

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National Strawberry Sundae Day!

Today is National Strawberry Sundae Day! Hot summer days call for a sweet, refreshing treat. National Strawberry Sundae Day is July 7 and there is no better way to escape the summer heat than with this delicious dessert. There are many U.S. cities that still battle over claiming stake as the birthplace of the sundae in the late 1880s, but one thing is for sure, the sundae is an American favorite. Happy Strawberry Sundae Day – try saying that a few times in a row! 🙂

At Private Home Care, we love nutrition and we also love to indulge! Strawberries are naturally very healthy but a traditional sundae is not the healthiest. That is why we are sharing a recipe for healthier ice cream so make can still enjoy your strawberry sundae and keep on track with a whole foods diet and lifestyle!

Once you make your ice cream, add on strawberries, maple syrup, healthy chocolate syrup (recipe in comments!) and cacao nibs! Throw in some dried strawberries to take your strawberry sundae to the next strawberry-fueled level!

P.S. Want an ‘on-the-go’ strawberry sundae? Blend up strawberries in your morning JuicePlus vanilla protein shake – you will thank us later!

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