Use A Tape Measure to Prevent Dementia!
Today, July 14th, measuring twice means something extra on National Tape Measure Day.
The tape measure comes in a wide array of sizes, colors, and materials. You can find some smaller than the palm of your hand or bigger in lengths of 300+ feet. They are used for anything from health purposes, DIY projects at home, by contractors, and in construction. They are a standard tool in almost every household and doctor’s office.
Tape measures are a useful tool for preventing and fighting against dementia. How can this be?! In older adults, body mass index (BMI)-adjusted waist circumference is positively associated with the incidence of dementia, according to study results published in ‘Obesity’. That means that using waist circumference (measured using a tape measure!) is a more acurate indicator of visceral fat than BMI. The reason why BMI – Body Mass Index – is not a reliable measurement for predicting increased risk for dementia is that BMI calculations do not discriminate between fat and lean body mass.
Waist size (measured with a trusty tape measure!) may be better than BMI as an indicator of excess fat. This is because older people tend to lose muscle and gain fat without a change in their weight. A larger waist size is also a sign of excess visceral fat, the deeper type of fat stored within the abdominal cavity. Higher amounts of visceral fat also have been linked with such health issues as heart disease and diabetes. These chronic diseases may contribute to or interplay with the risk of dementia. Sometimes it is better for your health to rely on the old fashioned tape measure than on a fancy new scale!
Posted in: Healthcare
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