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World Honeybee Day

World Honeybee Day

World Honeybee Day!

World Honey Bee Day on the third Saturday in August brings a buzzing celebration for beekeepers, honey lovers, and all blooming things. The day recognizes both the honey bee and the beekeepers who tend the hives.

Honey has many beneficial properties, especially high quality, raw honey!

Antioxidants – Raw honey contains an array of plant chemicals that act as antioxidants. Some types of honey have as many antioxidants as fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants help to protect your body from cell damage due to free radicals.

Free radicals contribute to the aging process and may also contribute to the development of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Research shows that antioxidant compounds in honey called polyphenols may play a role in preventing heart disease. Add a little bit of honey to your diet for your health? Sounds sweet!  

Antibacterial and antifungal properties – Research has shown that raw honey can kill unwanted bacteria and fungus. It naturally contains hydrogen peroxide, an antiseptic. Its effectiveness as an antibacterial or antifungal varies depending on the honey, but it’s clearly more than a folk remedy for these kinds of infections.

Because of this, honey is used to promote burn and wound healing. Hospitals use special medical grade honey as an effective treatment for diabetic foot ulcers and skin conditions such as psoriasis and herpes lesions. Studies show that special Manuka honey is especially effective. 

Soothe a sore throat – Have a cold? Try a spoonful of honey. Honey is an old sore throat remedy. Add it to hot tea with lemon when a cold virus hits you. Anyone who has tried can attest to this that it helps!

It also works as a cough suppressant. Research has suggested that honey is as effective as dextromethorphan, a common ingredient in over-the-counter cough medication. Just take one or two teaspoonfuls, straight.

Another important part of the day includes learning about honey bees and providing them with a supportive environment. When we plant wildflowers, orchards, and other flowering plants, we support pollinators such as honey bees. They depend on the nectar of a variety of plants for their survival. Conversely, we depend on honeybees for our survival, too! Without their pollinating abilities, many nutritious plants wouldn’t reproduce. It also encourages everyone to enjoy and buy locally grown honey. Supporting locally grown honey is important because honey bees help pollinate plants, which means that it improves your environment and makes it a better and more beautiful place to live. 

Honey bees do sting, but only if they perceive a threat – damage to their hive or being swatted at. If a honey bee comes close, either hold still or move slowly away. The honey bee will fly along to the next sweet thing as long as it doesn’t feel threatened. But remember – the fuzzy honey bees do not string!

Have a sweet World Honeybee Day!

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National Tell A Joke Day!

National Tell A Joke Day!

Yesterday was National Tell A Joke Day!

All joking aside, get out there and laugh a little and tell some funny ones. This day will be filled with smiles and laughter from morning till night. The more jokes you tell, the more fun you will have and so will those around you.

Joking is also good for your health! The old saying that ‘laughter is the best medicine’ is no joke!Health benefits of telling jokes and laughing:

It helps relieve stress!

-Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain.

-Laughter can also stimulate circulation and aid muscle relaxation, both of which can help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress.

-Joke telling and laughing activate and relieve your stress response. A good laugh fires up and then cools down your stress response, and it can increase and then decrease your heart rate and blood pressure. The result? A good, relaxed feeling.

Lessens Pain

-Laughing can cause your body to produce natural painkillers! A study conducted by researchers from Oxford University showed that the more subjects laughed, the less pain they felt. The study also suggests that it’s laughter itself, not just positive emotions, that aids in pain relief. This benefit increases the more often you laugh!

Boost your immune system- Laughter may increase the number of infection-fighting antibodies and boost immune cells. Likewise, positive thoughts and feelings — such as those released with laughter — have the potential to release neuropeptides, which help fight illness and stress.

Improves blood pressure

-Laughing at jokes and stand-up comedy can improve blood flow and reduce your blood pressure. Studies have found that laughter improves the flow of blood through dialating the body’s arteries, thus reducing blood pressure as well as subjects’ risk of heart disease. Most amazingly, one study indicated that watching a funny movie improved blood pressure “for a full 24 hours” after the program was viewed.

Stimulates Your Brain

-Cognitive neuroscientist Dr. Scott Weems shares that “Comedy is like mental exercise, and just as physical exercise strengthens the body, comedy pumps up the mind.” Telling jokes also requires verbal skills and creativity, so the more jokes you tell, the more you can improve those skills!

Improves Quality of Life

-Telling at jokes and laughing help connect you to others socially, and strong social ties are closely linked to a better quality of life.

It’s A Good Workout!

-Laughing burns calories, and 10-15 minutes of laughing can burn about 50 calories. Laughing also works your stomach muscles by causing them to expand and contract. It also works out your shoulders and exercises the diaphragm and heart. Who needs the gym for a good ab workout when you can tell jokes?!

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Comfortable Shoes Mean Healthy and Happy Feet!

Anyone who spends a lot of time on their feet, such as nurses, can tell you the importance of well fitting, comfortable shoes! Being on your feet all day can take a toll on your feet as well as your body.

Seventy five percent of the adult population has foot problems. Podiatrists say that improper shoe choices account for the majority of those problems. Watch out for shoes that cram the toes, which can cause stress on the feet and bones, shoes without proper cushioning or arch support, and too-stiff shoes. Research on older adults says that too-short or too-narrow shoes can lead to foot deformities and increased risk for weakness and falls, as well as growths like bunions, corns and calluses. The healthiest footwear for both older and younger adults should fit well and have a low, broad heel, a thin and flexible sole, and some kind of lace, strap or Velcro to ensure the shoe stays firmly attached to the foot.

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Foot Health

Foot Health

National I LOVE My Feet Day! is observed annually on August 17th. This is a day to appreciate how valuable our feet are, to practice good foot care and pamper our feet. They are at the very bottom of the body, and sometimes they come last in terms of self care. Often we don’t realize how much we rely on our feet – they help us stand, walk, run, jump, job, dance, ski, swim, and all manner of activities. Humans are unique in that we walk on two legs, and our feet evolved in order to support activities and movement.

Our feet withstand all the things we do in our everyday lives and accomplish things our hands cannot.But do you know just how important foot health is? Foot health can be indicative of our overall state of health. Swelling in feet may indicate high blood pressure or the need for weight loss. Your feet can show many signs for diabetes, including tingling or numbness in feet, sores that won’t heal, swollen feet, and more. Cold feet can be a sign of poor circulation or thyroid problem, as well as hair loss, patchy spots or discoloration. Foot cramps can mean dietary deficiencies, dehydration, or overwork. Sore toe joints may signal arthritis, and stress fractures in the foot can be caused by low bone density. Also, if you have any foot pain while walking or any other chronic foot-related issue, do not wait to see a doctor, and take care of it as soon as you can.

Taking care of our feet is necessary for current well-being as well as preventative health. As we age, the years of wear and tear on our feet can be hard on them, which is why it is important to take care of our feet as much as possible. The best way to take care of your feet is to wear comfortable shoes that fit properly, trim toenails correctly, regular stretching and massages, and proper hygiene. Which means yes, get frequent pedicures for your health, your feet will thank you!

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National Relaxation Day

National Relaxation Day

National Relaxation Day on August 15th encourages us to slow down and unwind. It’s a day to focus on taking care of ourselves and take a moment to relax.

National Relaxation Day is an important day as we all need a break from the fast-paced and often hectic lifestyles we live. Taking time to recuperate and rejuvenate our tired minds and bodies may help prevent many health risks, too.

Being overly busy and constantly stressed, as well as not relaxing enough can have real effects on our health. Physically, it can make people feel tired, more prone to getting sick, headaches, stomachaches, high blood pressure, and more likely to suffer from heart attack or stroke. Mentally and emotionally, too much stress can cause depression and anxiety.

Research shows that people who let themselves relax often are physically healthier and even tend to live longer lives! Relaxation is also linked to stronger cognitive abilities later in life as well as an overall better quality of life. Looks like taking time to relax really pays off in the short and long term!

There are many ways to relax! Relaxation may look different to different people – some like to quietly read a book, and other people like to go on a long bike ride.

Some good relaxation activities:

-Reading a book

-Fishing with a friend

-A picnic in the park


-Walking along the beach

-Taking a drive in the country



-Getting a massage




-A movie

-Lunch with friends

-Drinks with friends

-Watching sports



-Listening to music

These are just a few of the many possible relaxation ideas that you may want to use to celebrate this holiday. What are your favorite ways to relax??

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International Lefthanders Day!

International Lefthanders Day!

International Left Handers Day on August 13th recognizes all those individuals who have mastered using their left hand in a right-handed world. We take our hats off to you – left-handed!

Approximately 10% of the population are ‘southpaws’, or left handed. Scientists speculate that genetics and environment both play a role in left-handedness. It is more likely a child will be left-handed if one parent is a lefty, too. Parents of left-handed children used to force them to use their right hands. In the past, in the eyes of right-handers, the predominant use of the left hand seemed evil.While we accept left-handedness more readily than days gone by, its occurrence hasn’t increased.

Studies have shown that left handed people have some advantages over right handed people. Although counter intuitive, the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, and vice versa. This means for left-handed people, the right side of the brain, which is responsible for fine motor skills, and is also responsible for divergent, creative thinking that helps think of solutions. This may also be because to survive in a right-handed majority world, left-handers have to be creative and use both of their hands more.

Having to use both sides of the brain more in daily life has led scientists to find that left handers tend to have faster connections and responses between their right and left sides of the brain. In fact, left-handed stroke victims reportedly recover faster. While the reason is unclear, some believe it’s due to left-handed people having to strengthen both sides of the brain to succeed in a right-handed world. Because many lefties are better at using their non-dominant hand, it’s less difficult for them to recover from a stroke that damages one part of their brain.

There are many successful and famous people who are left handed, including Presidents Reagan and Clinton, as well as Ben Franklin, Henry Ford, Babe Ruth, Paul McCartney, Oprah Winfrey, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Steve Jobs.

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National Creamsicle Day

National Creamsicle Day

National Creamsicle Day on August 14th celebrates the creamy citrus dessert on a stick. During the height of summer, what better way to enjoy refreshment than with a creamsicle! Who does’nt love this yummy, creamy, orange flavored treat?! We sure do at Private Home Care!

“Creamsicle” is the brand name of an ice cream treat. It consists of vanilla ice cream on a Popsicle stick with an outer coating of sherbert. While many other flavors now exist, the original flavor was orange.

Today, recipes abound with creamsicle flavors. From beverages to desserts, the flavor has long been a favorite. Generations have enjoyed the fruity, frozen treats and they continue to do so!

At Private Home Care, we are big fans of creamsicles! While we love the traditional store bought creamsicle as a treat, we have a healthy spin that is just as delish!

Creamsicle for breakfast? Sure! How to: Mix orange juice (fresh is best!) with almond milk (sweetened or unsweetened – your choice) and JuicePlus Complete vanilla powder in a blender. Blend for about 10 seconds, or until well incorporated. Pour into a tall glass and enjoy!

A healthy creamsicle recipe is attached, using fresh mashed oranges, greek yogurt, vanilla, and maple syrup – sweetener is optional! If you want to up the protein in this treat, add more Greek yogurt or add some JuicePlus complete to the yogurt. If you want super orangey flavor, add a bit of orange zest.

Why we love this recipe: it contains 40% of your recommended daily value of Vitamin C and 3 grams of protein! Fresh oranges also have fiber, potassium and folate. In addition, oranges are antioxidant superstars. Flavonoid antioxidants in oranges provide anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antimicrobial benefits. They also defend against oxidative stress, which is essentially an imbalance between the production of cell-damaging free radicals and the body’s ability to counter their harmful effects. Antioxidants are also proven to promote brain health, which can help delay or counter dementia and Alzheimer’s!

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National Sons and Daughters Day

National Sons and Daughters Day

National Sons and Daughters Day on August 11th brings parents and their children together for quality time. On this day, be with the joys of your life.

Let your children know that you are glad they are part of your life. While listening to the events of their day, share family stories. Find out about their hopes and dreams. Learn what inspires them. Teach them something new, or maybe there’s something they can teach you.

Enjoy every day you have with them and spend as much quality time as you can. Every child is different and has a unique personality. That’s exactly how it’s supposed to be. Children grow up quickly, but they never stop being your sons or daughters. Take today to celebrate them and create lifelong memories that they will cherish. Celebrate them and the parts they play in your family.

Private Home Care celebrates National Sons and Daughters Day for all families, especially those with older parents. It can be a big task for a son or daughter to be a caretaker of an aging parent, that is why Private Home Care is here to help. PHC is committed to providing the very best care for your loved ones, because ‘Compassion is at the Heart of Our Care’.

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National Mountain Day

National Mountain Day

On National Mountain Day we appreciate mountains as a beautiful part of our landscape. Mountain Day encourages everyone, especially those who are boxed into the flatlands of dense, urban centers; to use the day exploring nature and taking in wonderful views while breathing deeply of fresh, mountain air. 

Seeing mountains, whether you live near them or are visiting, is good for your health in a number of ways. Mountains are a great place to get fresh air and exercise! You can hike, mountain bike, ski, or do many other activities. Clean mountain air is very good for your lungs and body, and it smells wonderful. Also, mountains can help keep you cool because the temperature goes down when the elevation rises. That is a great reason to visit the mountains during the summer months!

The natural beauty and calming scenery of mountains can help alleviate anxiety and promote inner peace. To celebrate National Mountain Day, visit your nearest mountain or plan a hiking trip! If your mobility is limited, driving by mountain scenery or looking at pictures of mountains is also a great way to enjoy National Mountain Day! 

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Farmers Markets!

Farmers Markets!

The first week of August is National Farmers Markets Week! At Private Home Care, we love farmers markets for a variety of reasons!

Fresher = healthier. We all know that eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, veggies, and lean meats is important for your well being. Studies have shown that when foods are their freshest, which they are at farmers markets, they are healthiest for you! At grocery stores, fruits and vegetables have to be harvested sometimes well before their prime, and do not get a chance to develop quite as many yummy nutrients. Although the produce is fresh, it likely has been days or weeks since leaving the earth, and it is not as deliciously fresh as produce from a farmers market, which is grown locally and goes straight from farm to consumer. 

Local = Healthier. Farmers markets feature in-season offerings, which means that crops picked at their peak of ripeness are also better tasting and full of flavor. Studies have shown that fruits and vegetables contain more nutrients when allowed to ripen naturally on their parent plant, meaning that they are more nutritionally dense and you gain the full benefit of eating the fruits and veggies. 

Foods eaten in season are just tastier! When produce is in season and ripe, you are likely to incorporate more into your food. Also, even the pickiest eaters will be more open to fruits and veggies in season because they simply taste better!

The farm is where it’s at – When you buy directly from farmers, you have the opportunity to ask what practices they use to raise and harvest the crops. When you know where your food comes from and who grew it, you know a lot more about your food! They also have great tips for recipes – at a recent farmers market, a farmer shared that you can add golden raisins and pine nuts when cooking swiss chard. We tried it, and it was delicious!

Pesticides and ripening agents? No thank you. When foods are grown out of season, they aren’t able to follow their natural growing and ripening rhythms. In order for certain fruits and vegetables to be available year-round, post-harvest treatments, known as ripening agents, are used. These include chemicals, gases, and heat processes. Some produce is also coated with an edible film to protect it. 

Keeps your community beautiful! Purchasing locally grown foods helps support local farms and maintains farmland and open space in your community. Living in a beautiful environment is good for your health, as it is relaxing and promotes environmental wellness. Also, local food supports the local economy. The money you spend on products from local farmers and growers stays in the community and is reinvested with other local businesses, which helps maintain a lovely community.

Don’t forget – farmers markets are fun! They are lively and feature many different vendors. It is a fun opportunity to socialize and chat with the vendors and other shoppers in your community. Often there is live music, cooking demonstrations, and community events!

See you at the market!

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