AAAAA Private Home Health Care


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Diabetes Awareness

At Private Home Health Care, we offer excellent caregiving for seniors with many conditions, such as diabetes. We understand the importance of properly caring for diabetes, and have decades of knowledge of best practices for your loved ones. With proper care, diabetes is quite manageable.

Today is American Diabetes Association Diabetes Alert Day! Observed annually on the fourth Tuesday in March, Diabetes Alert Day is a one-day “wake-up call” that focuses on the seriousness of diabetes and the importance of understanding your risk. We encourage you to find out if you—or someone you love—is at risk for type 2 diabetes. This quick test helps raise awareness and even alert someone that they may be at risk for diabetes.

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National Goof Off Day!

National Goof Off Day!

Yesterday was National Goof Off Day!

Everyone needs to goof off every once in a while! Being goofy and silly is a wonderful way to relieve stress and have smiles all around. Celebrate National Goof Off Day by doing something like telling jokes, playing charades, watching a comedy, wearing a silly hat or playing fun games (office chair races, anyone?)

Whatever you choose, let yourself goof off a bit! Scientific studies show that people who add more fun into their life are not only happier but more productive and successful

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National Let’s Laugh Day

National Let’s Laugh Day

Today is National Let’s Laugh Day! The old saying is true-laughter is the best medicine! There are many health benefits of laughing. It releases feel-good chemicals in your brain such as endorphins that improve your mood. Laughter is also a proven pain reliever, is great for the lungs, and just makes you feel good!

Have you ever had a bad day and then something funny happens that turns it around around? Anyone can tell you that laughter is a great stress reliever. It also helps social bonding, which is a known factor in longevity. Try to laugh at least once a day! At Private Home Health Care, we love laughter and enjoying life! Mary is always cracking jokes and making everyone laugh. We suggest to everyone to make sure to laugh at least once a day for health and happiness!

On National Let’s Laugh Day, do things to make you laugh! Tell a joke, watch a funny movie, or be silly with loved ones. Laugh it up!

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Certified Nurses Day

Certified Nurses Day

Private Home Health Care proudly celebrates National Certified Nurses Day!

Certified Nurses Day, celebrated annually on March 19, shines a well-deserved spotlight on nurses who have chosen to enhance their professional knowledge through certification. There are over 3.8 million nurses in America today. Not only is it one of the largest professions, but it is also one of the most significant and far-reaching in its impact on society.

Did you know there are over 200 nursing specialties and subspecialties? The complexity of the medical field is ever-growing and nurses strive for professional excellence and superior patient care in their desire to become certified in one or more of these areas. Today, let’s thank and recognize the work these men and women have done to obtain their professional certifications.

At PHHC, we support nurses for their amazing work that they do every single day, around the clock to keep us all healthy and well. Thank you nurses!

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Health Benefits of Naps

Adults need naps too. Naps can cure a cranky baby, and it can do the same for grown ups. If you are feeling down, taking a nap can help lift your spirits. Daily life can be so busy that we may not realize how tired we are, and napping is the perfect solution. In fact, Studies have found that napping is a more effective energy boost than coffee or energy drinks. This is because napping is nature’s way of recharging. Napping is also great for problem-solving. If you are dealing with a stressful situation

The million dollar question: how long should you nap for? Sleep experts say that it depends on what your needs are. Generally, a 20-30 minute nap leaves you feeling refreshed but not lethargic. A 60 minute nap can make you feel groggy afterwards, though sometimes your body needs a longer nap. If you feel like you are coming down with a cold, napping strengthens your immune system and may prevent you from getting sick. Additionally, if you are anticipating reduced sleep at night (such as travelling), taking a 90-120 minute nap can help make up for the lost sleep. 

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Your Brain on Naps

Your Brain on Naps

Napping is not just for cats. Medical studies have found that napping has many health benefits. In fact, it is one of the healthiest things you can do for your physical, mental, and emotional health. Napping results in increased awareness, brain performance and a decrease in stress. One of the biggest benefits is that it keeps your heart healthy. People who nap reduce the risk of heart disease and heart related death.

Your Brain on Naps: Napping can improve your memory and job performance. Sleep plays an important role in storing memories. A nap can help you remember things learned earlier in the day as much as a full night’s sleep. Napping works to keep you from forgetting things like motor skills, sense perception, and verbal recall, too. After resting, the brain is also better at recognizing patterns and making connections. 

Naps are great for healthy aging. As you age, your energy levels decrease. By listening to your body’s natural rhythms and taking a nap, you keep yourself healthy. As we know, stress plays a big role in aging. Naps help relieve stress, which is key to maintaining brain function later in life. Using brain scans, scientists have found that seniors who regularly nap generally have more blood flow and activity than those who do not. This decreases the risk of cognitive decline.   

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National Napping Day

National Napping Day

Who doesn’t love a good nap? Today, March 15th, is National Napping Day. At Private Home Health Care, we certainly think that it is worth celebrating! March 15th was chosen as National Napping Day because often people feel jet-lagged after daylight savings. Naps are the perfect day to help you

recuperate from the “spring forward.” Studies have shown that people are already at their most tired and sleep deprived after daylight savings changes. The change of the hour really makes a difference, but National Napping Day can make you feel like there was no change at all.

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National Plant A Flower Day

National Plant A Flower Day

At Private Home Health Care, planting flowers is one of our favorite spring activities! March 12th is National Plant a Flower Day. Each year, this day is dedicated to the planting of flowers and looking forward to the spring season. Flower gardening has become a hobby for many, young and old, and National Plant a Flower Day is a start to the new season each year.

There are known health benefits of flower gardening. Being in nature is calming, and the clean outdoor air is great for the lungs. Gardening is an excellent activity for seniors, and can be a form of exercise, because you use different muscle groups while you do it. It also helps maintain flexibility and balance because it requires up and down motion, as well as reaching. Movement and exercise helps prevent disease and illness such as heart disease and stroke. 

Gardening is used as a therapy for treating depression in seniors. Because you are focused in the moment, it has meditative qualities that can distract you from low feelings. Gardening also helps relieve anxiety and stress. It is important for seniors to have things to look forward to, and it can be quite exciting to watch your plants grow and blossom! In addition, just looking at beautiful flowers puts you in a good mood, wouldn’t you agree? 

Today, celebrate spring and plant a flower for National Plant a Flower Day!

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National Crab Meat Day

National Crab Meat Day

National Crab Meat Day is a day to celebrate one of America’s favorite crustaceans. With 1.5 million tons of crab consumed every year around the world, plenty of crab meat lovers celebrate every year.

Crabs offer a host of nutritional benefits. Low in fat, they are a great source of lean protein. Crab contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, and selenium. These nutrients play vital roles in improving general health while helping prevent a variety of chronic conditions. The omega-3 fatty acids support heart health by lowering ‘bad’ cholesterol levels, as well as help maintain brain health and protecting against Alzheimers. The B12 and folate in crab is great for promoting healthy red blood cells and preventing anemia. Crab is also a good option for pregnant women or vulnerable individuals because it contains lower levels of mercury than most seafoods.

Today for National Crab Meat Day, cook up from crab legs or make some crab cakes to celebrate this delicious crustacean!

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Celebrating Registered Dietitian Nutritionists!

Food is what bonds us together.

Registered Dietitian Nutritionists have the unique opportunity to do good in the world by improving people’s diets and educating them about a healthy lifestyle. On National Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day tomorrow, we honor these unsung heroes who help keep us healthy and thriving. RDN’s live their mission every day of helping people change their diet, and change their life for the better. Though it may seem small, this is a significant step towards improving our world, and RDN’s are proud leaders of this tremendous movement.

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