Spring Forward!
Do you remember back in November when we turned the clocks back an hour? Well, this weekend it’s time to move the clocks up an hour!
Last year we said the time Falls Back and now this almost Spring we need to Spring Forward.
Private Home Health Care wants to be sure you know that the time to Spring Forward is here.
This Saturday night when you go to bed move your clocks, and any alarms, forward one hour.
You don’t want to miss out on any of your activities this Sunday.
Back in November when we moved our clocks back an hour we gained some sleep but we traded that for a shorter day of light. The sun set in the early afternoon and at times that felt like quite an adjustment.
You and I change our clocks every year for Daylight Savings Time. Did you know the first Daylight Savings Time (DST) began in 1918? It was called the Standard Time Act.
Lots of farmers grumbled about the time change since there were mornings with a lot less light for them to work. Their grumbling worked and it became optional to implement it.
During WWII there was a form of DST but since it was during the war it was called “War Time.”
It was not until 1966 that Daylight Savings Time became the law of the land. The law was signed by President Lyndon Johnson and was called the Uniform Time Act.
Now every state in the United States except for Arizona and Hawaii use Daylight Savings Time. You may have heard some people wanting to do away with DST but as of yet that hasn’t changed anything.
The good news about this weekend is that we get hopeful since this means that our daylight is longer and Spring is that much closer.
This week check your gardens to see if you have bulbs beginning to sprout. Look at the trees around you and look for buds. You may even listen and hear a few more birds chirping that usual. All good signs of new life and warmer weather ahead.
Private Home Health Care knows that we may still get a snowstorm but we also like to think about the changing season which is not far away.
Posted in: Healthcare
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