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Honoring Our Veterans

Honoring Our Veterans

This Veterans Day, on November 11 2019, we pay respects to veterans of the United States Armed Forces. At Private Home Care, we salute the brave men and women who have served and continue to serve our country. We have the honor of working with veterans of previous generations, and we understand that it is now our turn to care for them. As we reflect upon their duty to our country, we appreciate their sacrifices and those of their families to keep us safe. 

A helpful way to recognize a veteran’s service, as recommended by, is to ask them about their past. Instead of just thanking them for their service, inquire as to what their role was in the military, why they chose the branch they did, who their closest friends in the military were, and to share any of their favorite stories from their service. For some veterans, “thank you for your service” may sound hollow due to its widespread use, so taking time to listen and validate their service can show a deeper appreciation. 

It is important to acknowledge battle wounds, both visible and not. For seniors veterans, a busted knee from an ambush operation decades ago may turn into a physical health constraint in their advanced years. For others who may be experiencing alzheimers or dementia, studies cited in the US National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health indicate that past battle stress may increase risk of these conditions in senior veterans. This is all the more reason to inquire about their service in the US Armed Forces. Not only is it a point of pride, but recalling the past helps with memory and cognition for those with alzheimers, dementia, or similar conditions.  

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National Day of Encouragement

Today at Private Home Health Care, we celebrate National Day of Encouragement. Encouragement is the action of giving someone support. On this day and every day, we hope you make a positive impact in someone else’s life. Say a few words to inspire a student, coworker, parent, friend, or sibling. A simple word or sentence could lift someone when they’re down and motivate them to accomplish their goals. Give someone a high five, write a card, or make a phone call. There are many ways to encourage others! Often, our seniors may feel down or depressed, thus it is so important to provide encouragement to them. Whether it be about going on a walk outside or eating vegetables, it is our job to encourage them. By lifting them up and providing encouragement, their attitudes can be improved.

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National Tell a Joke Day

Why do we tell actors to “break a leg?” Because every play has a cast. Today and everyday make sure to laugh! Make someone else laugh today by telling a funny joke. Not only is laughing fun, but it has been found to have health benefits as well. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies. People often say laughing makes you live longer. Laughing relaxes the muscles in your body. It also triggers a release of endorphins, thus improving your overall mood. It even protects the heart. By laughing, the function of blood vessels is improved and blood flow is increased. Who knew that telling a funny joke could result in all these health benefits! Tell a funny joke today and everyday.

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Annual Book Lovers Day!

Today is annual Book Lovers Day! There are many benefits to
reading and many different types of books to read. Everyone can find something
they love to read whether it be non-fiction, romance, or a comedy. Reading a
book in comparison to a news article improves your focus and concentration.
Sitting down and isolating yourself from the rest of the world to invest
yourself in a novel can be difficult, but you will find that your focus and
concentration will improve. Reading has also been found to reduce stress and
improve your memory! According to Business Insider, frequent brain exercises,
like reading, decreases mental decline for the elderly by 32%. When reading,
you must remember the plot and all the characters in the novel. This is
creating new memories in your brain which means new synapses are being created
and old ones are being strengthened. Reading is an excellent way to educate
oneself. It is important to read about health and nutrition. It can provide
very valuable facts that could help you change your lifestyle!

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Being Prepared for the Future

Our hearts go out to all the families that have been
affected by violent shootings. It is heartbreaking to hear how often these
shootings occur. In the world we live in today, it is very important that we share
our last wishes and keep a will. Last wishes can be exchanged between friends
and family. Never be afraid to share your wishes. Your friends and family will want
to hear them, even if they say otherwise. Unfortunately, we never know what
will happen when we step outside or what will happen to our health. Our lives
are still unwritten. Of course, we deny thinking about that part of our lives,
but it is still important to be prepared. Therefore, it is important to have a
will written or at least talk about your last wishes. Having a written will can
minimize any discussions between relatives after one passes. It makes it easier
for friends and family to truly know what you want.

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More on Fruits and Veggies!

There is remarkable evidence showing that by adding fruits
and vegetables to your daily diet, you can help prevent diseases and cancer. Cancer
cells can form as a result of a mutation in the cell. Unfortunately when a
cancerous cell forms, it does not stop growing. It does not act like a normal
cell. It ignores signals from the body and rapidly divides. Eventually, the cells
could form a lump of cells known as a tumor. Thus, it is very important to try
to eat many servings of fruits and vegetables a day. According to a study done
at Imperial College London, eating more than five portions of fruits and
vegetables a day greatly reduces the chance of heart attack, stroke, cancer,
and early death. In fact, a study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology
suggests that 7.8 million premature deaths could be prevented annually if
everyone ate roughly ten portions a day. Therefore, it is very important to add
fruits and vegetables to your daily diet. Also, it is very important that you
wash the fruits and vegetables carefully. By washing them, you are removing
dirt, bacteria, and dangerous pesticides that could have contaminated the
fruits and veggies. By using Juice Plus+, it is an easy way to ensure that you
are getting the right amount of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.

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National Father-In-Law Day

Today is National Father-In-Law Day!! Make sure to dedicate some time to your father-in-law. Parents play a huge role in mending your spouse into who they are today. Let your father-in-law know you care by asking to do something with him. You could go on a walk or go get a scoop of ice cream! Whatever you choose to do, stay engaged. Doing an activity with himwill not only make him happy but also improve your health! So get outside and enjoy a nice day with your father-in-law!

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