AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Alzheimer’s Disease

This disease is often discussed this time during World Alzheimer’s Day.  There are still many people dealing with it, both patients and caregivers. The good news is that there is ongoing research.

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, there are approximately 6 million people over the age of 65 living with Alzheimer’s.  This is with a total population in the United States of 335,289,877 as of 2022.

Currently, being studied is a condition called mild cognitive impairment or (MCI).  MCI is memory or thinking problems.  As you age, you can have lapses in names, or for words for things.  This can be normal. 

Memory can develop into MCI if things worsen.  If you lose things often or if you forget to go to appointments.  Another sign is if you are missing words more often than your friends. This is the time to reach out to a doctor for advice.

MCI is a condition that can lead to Alzheimer’s.  The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that about a third of those people diagnosed with MCI, dementia usually develops within five years.

The hopeful news.  The Alzheimer’s Association is conducting New Ideas Studies.  They involve brain imaging to study MCI, dementia and Alzheimer’s.  The studies are robust involving about 7,000 people.  The study includes people from a variety of racial and ethnic groups.   

If you are interested in learning more about these studies here is a link:

Private Home Health Care understands the importance of studies.  They can give us a window into a disease that affects so many elderly people.

Posted in: Healthcare

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