National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day!
August 4th is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day!
Who doesn’t love chocolate chip cookies?! They are a favorite old young and old alike, a classic American dessert that is now loved worldwide.
Did you know that chocolate chip cookies were invented by accident? You may associate the name ‘Toll House’ from the chocolate chips or break-apart refrigerated cookie brand. Before ‘Toll House’ became synonymous with chocolate chip cookies, it was actually the name of an inn located in Whitman, Massachusetts. In the 1930s, Ruth Wakefield, owner of the Toll House Inn in Whitman, Massachusetts, added broken chocolate bar pieces into her cookie batter thinking that they would melt. Instead, the classic dessert was born.
There are some health benefits to eating chocolate chip cookies! Sweets can actually help with memory. The taste of a favorite childhood treat, such as a chocolate chip cookie, can bring you back to those days and help with memory recollection from early years. Also, using quality dark chocolate chips with a high cocoa content makes for a healthier choice. With antioxidants such as flavonoids and less sugar, dark chocolate is a more wholesome mix-in for our cookies. Quality dark chocolate is rich in fiber, iron, magnesium, copper, and manganese.
Today, for National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, Private Home Health Care invites you to celebrate by baking up a batch of these yummy treats or munching on the best chocolate chip cookie you can find at a local bakery!
Posted in: Healthcare
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