AAAAA Private Home Health Care


National Family Health and Fitness Day 

Tomorrow is National Family Health and Fitness Day.  This day was started in 1996 by the Health and Resource Information Center.  The goal is to elevate our awareness around health and fitness in our families.

Health and Fitness is for everyone in our families, young and old.  Exercise is good for the mind and the body.  There are so many fun activities to do as a family for every season.

We are entering the season of fall and soon it will be winter.  There are many great activities to do as a family, including grandparents and aunts and uncles.   

Autumn Fun

You can take a nature hike or go apple picking and walk in the orchards. Play a game of flag football or ride a bike.

Winter Fun

Why don’t you take a walk in a local mall?  Try taking the stairs instead of an escalator.  How about going ice skating or sledding or just playing in the snow.  There’s always an exercise video for all ages.

To try and stay your healthiest it’s recommended that your children do 60 minutes of moderate exercise at least five times a week.  For you, the adult, 30 minutes is recommended.

Private Home Health Care understands that our lives get busy and sometimes it’s hard to find time for everything.  We do believe however that taking the time for fitness starting at a young age can lead to a healthy, happy and long life.  



Posted in: Healthcare

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