AAAAA Private Home Health Care


National Kitten Day!

Happy National Kitten Day! (One of the cutest national days!)

Kittens! Who doesn’t love tiny, adorable kittens? …their big heads, giant eyes, tiny pink paws and noses, and the adorable mews they make…. We can’t resist their cute and furry charms. National Kitten Day was founded to encourage adopting kittens and cats from shelters. You can celebrate by adopting, donating to a shelter, and by petting and taking extra good care of your kitten!

Did you know that owning a kitten is actually good for your health? Studies have found that kitten or cat owners have lowered levels of stress, lower risk of heart disease, better sleep, and may actually help improve allergies. Enjoy these adorable kittens!

Posted in: Healthcare

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