AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Signs of Elder Abuse

Spot the signs of elder abuse

If you suspect that an elderly person is at risk from a neglectful or overwhelmed caregiver, or being preyed upon financially, it’s important to speak up and stand up for them. Everyone deserves to live in safety, with dignity and respect. These guidelines can help you recognize the warning signs of elder abuse.

Neglect/Self Neglect:

-Lack of adequate food and water

-Dirty clothes and changes and hygiene

-Unusually messy home

-Lack of medical aids or medication

Financial Abuse:

-Basic needs not being met

-Bills not paid

-New credit cards and increased cash withdrawals

-Unusual purchases by caregiver

Physical abuse:

-Bruises, black eyes, and welts

-Broken bones, cuts, and sprains

-Sudden changes in behavior

-Caregiver refusal to leave elder or dependent adult alone

Mental abuse:

-Threatening significant physical harm

-Derogatory or inappropriate names, insults, profanity or ridicule

-Harassment, coercion, intimidation, humiliation

Sexual abuse:

-Unusual bruising on thighs, chest, or genitals

-Unexplained sexually transmitted diseases

-Unusual stains on clothing or sheets

-Withdrawn from social interaction or panic attacks

As older adults become more physically frail, they’re less able to take care of themselves, stand up to bullying, or fight back if attacked. Mental or physical ailments can make their lives more challenging. And they may not see or hear as well or think as clearly as they used to, leaving openings for bad people to take advantage of them.

If there are ANY suspicions of elder abuse, speak out IMMEDIATELY to social workers for the elderly, elder abuse advocate professionals, senior centers, or law enforcement.

Posted in: Healthcare

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