AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Health Benefits of Wine!

Health Benefits of Wine!

Today, May 25th, is National Wine Day!

Pour a glass for your health! Wine has many scientifically proven health benefits!

Antioxidants, resveratrol, flavonoids and polyphenols are the most often cited compounds found in wine that researchers like to point out as potentially being healthy chemicals found in wine. They are mostly found in red wine, but are also in white wine! Red wine has been found to be especially beneficial for heart health!

-Antioxidants can help prevent cancer, heart disease and assist in lowering cholesterol due to the fact that red wine raises the levels of HDL, or good cholesterol which helps protect your arteries.

-Flavonoids are a natural chemical found in plants. Due to the fermentation process, select enzymes are created that help remove some carcinogens and possibly help inhibit the growth of tumors. In turn this helps you to produce more good cholesterol.

-Resveratrol is said to help in the prevention of damage to your blood vessels while reducing bad cholesterol and assisting to help prevent blood clots.

-Polyphenols helps coat and protect the important lining of the blood vessels in your heart.…/health-nutrition-be…/

Posted in: Healthcare

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