AAAAA Private Home Health Care


National Trivia Day

January 4th is National Trivia Day!

Who says that there is such a thing as useless knowledge? National Trivia Day on January 4th celebrates obscure knowledge that we get to call upon when playing a game of trivia. Yes, those random facts do come in handy. Not only is trivia fun, but it is great for your brain!

Learning what seems like totally useless information is actually very good exercise for your brain. Trivia questions are very good for your memory. Trivia keeps us smart and engaged. Just like your body benefits from exercise, so does the brain. The frontal cortex of the brain plays a major role in processing our memories. Trivia questions engage the frontal cortex and exercise it.

Cognition means the mental processes engaged while gaining knowledge and comprehension. The better your cognition, the more you’ll be able to remember things you’ve learned.

To help build up your cognition, you need to exercise your brain. Trivia is great because you are trying to recall information from inside your brain that you don’t use a lot. Since trivia questions are usually regarding multiple unrelated topics – this significantly improves cognition by seeking out the info throughout your brain.

Trivia questions are usually in a relaxed setting. Many times we laugh at ourselves when we play trivia, therefore, our stress levels are reduced.

As the brain ages, we need to really pay attention and continue to exercise it. We should, at every age, enjoy some useless trivia! Trivia is a great way to slow or reduce cognitive decline. Also, when aging you acquire more knowledge, so you are an even more competitive trivia player! Today, Private Home Health Care encourages you to learn or play trivia with friends and family to engage your brain and have fun while at it!


Q. What holiday celebrates little known factoids?

A. National Trivia Day, January 4.

Our obsession for trivia has been part of popular culture for many decades and it’s easy to understand why. Most of us are naturally competitive and social beings and trivia blends the two perfectly. If you enjoy wowing your friends with interesting stats and frivolous facts, today is your day to shine!

Posted in: Healthcare

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