AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Health Benefits of Compliments

Health Benefits of Compliments

Giving and receiving a compliment is healthy. A well-chosen compliment has all kinds of health benefits. A compliment is an effective way to achieve two fundamental needs: self-esteem and connection with others.

A compliment enhances someone’s happiness and self-image and gives a compliment to the production of dopamine in the brain, which gives you a blissful, positive feeling. Compliments can be considered small gifts for your mental health. And not only that: from Japanese research it appears that a compliment also improves performance at work and social interaction.

The giver also benefits, provided the compliment comes across well. Doing something for someone else makes sure that more of the cuddle hormone oxytocin and the happiness hormone serotonin is released.

Compliments are a form of gratitude. A healthy compliment is therefore about the connection you make with yourself and with each other. You show what you find important in each other and that you accept each other, which is why a compliment is a form of gratitude.

Now during COVID is it even more important than ever to be socially connected. With social distancing, that can be difficult. A good start is to take small steps and make a goal of giving 2 compliments a day. And don’t forget to compliment yourself!

Posted in: Healthcare

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