AAAAA Private Home Health Care


World Coconut Day

World Coconut Day

World coconut day, also known as ‘Nariyal Poornima’, is observed on September 2cnd. It is celebrated in all the major coconut producing countries across the globe. Asian and Pacific Coconut Community (APCC) decided to celebrate this day as World Coconut Day in order to spread awareness about the many benefits of coconut! This coconut palm fruit grows in tropical regions and is known for its impressive health and beauty benefits.

Coconuts are highly nutritious, and are especially high in manganese, which is essential for bone health and the metabolism of carbohydrates. They’re also rich in copper and iron, which help form red blood cells, as well as selenium, an important antioxidant that protects your cells.

Unlike most fruits, coconuts are high in fat. However, don’t write them off just yet if you are trying to lose weight. Much of the fat in coconut is in the form of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which your body metabolizes differently than other types of fats. MCT’s are absorbed directly from your small intestine and rapidly used for energy. Counterintuitively, coconuts may actually aid in weight loss! One review on the benefits of MCTs in people with obesity found these fats may promote body fat loss when eaten in place of long-chain saturated fats from animal foods. Additional studies have found that eating coconut may improve cholesterol levels and help decrease belly fat, which is a risk factor for heart disease.

Coconut is low in carbs and high in fiber and fat, so it may help stabilize your blood sugar. The high fiber content of coconut meat can also help slow digestion and improve insulin resistance, which can help regulate blood sugar levels as well. In addition, coconuts contain powerful antioxidants, which helps reduce the risk of developing disease.

Coconut oil is also a wonderful beauty product. Using coconut oil as a hair mask makes it sleek and shiny. Coconut oil is a great choice for a natural and gentle facial cleanser and makeup remover, as well as healing skin conditions. In addition, you can swish your mouth or brush your teeth with coconut oil as an effective method – research has proven the dental and anti-tooth decay properties of coconuts. Your smile will thank you!

Perhaps most importantly, coconuts are delicious and can easily be added to your diet! In the 2000’s there was a ‘coconut boom’ in western countries when health benefits of the fruit became widely known to consumers. Here are some healthy and delicious coconut recipes, including coconut energy balls, coconut shrimp, curry, and vegan ice cream! Join us at Private Home Care and go nuts for coconuts!

Posted in: Healthcare

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