AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Valentine’s Day and Heart Health

Valentine’s Day and Heart Health

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Medical research proves that having a valentine is good for your heart! No matter if your valentine is your partner, your child, a good friend or relative, having a loving relationship is one of the best things you can do for your heart. Being around someone you love helps relieve stress, which lowers blood pressure. Loving feelings tamp down our sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for our fight or flight reactions. When relaxed, blood vessels tend to dilate a little bit more, and blood pressure tends to drop.

Hugs and hand holding also release feel-good chemicals in the brain, like oxytocin. Social support through loving relationships has been found to help improve the immune system and reduce inflammation. Being around a crush or a partner who makes your heart race is also good for the heart because it gets the blood pumping and is essentially like a mini aerobic workout!

Private Home Health Care encourages you to keep your heart healthy and celebrate love on Valentine’s Day!

Posted in: Healthcare

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